Re: World Leaders - PBP Mexico offers NZ/UPAA/Japan a neutral ground to negotiate peace. Mexico city will be the meeting place.
Re: World Leaders - PBP Country: Madagascar Political: I accept audience with Israel. Gives Brazil 10 units of oil. Building: Building 2 Iowa Battleships Done Building 2 Carriers(1 turns) Building 4 stealth submarines(4 turns) Building 100 F-35's(4 days) Building 50 M1A2 Abrams tanks(2 days) Building 5 destroyers(5 turns) Researching Solid spider webbing for construction.(2 turns) Nuclear power for submarines and ships(2 turns) Laser gun for soldiers (4 turns) Training Training 50k elite soldiers(9 turns) Troops 4 destroyers 1 Carrier 3 Iowa Battleship 50k infantry 10k Elite soldiers 20 F-35s 50 M1A2 Abrams tanks War: 1. India will receive full rights and freedoms of every Madagascarian. 2. Madagascar will provide full protection of India from foreign countries. 3. India's and Madagascar's economy will become one. 4. India's name would stay the same.
Re: World Leaders - PBP Country Kingdom of Seychelles Purpose of Post. King Rustic is enjoying the World News Channel a lot more these days 50 SAS-1's jet build Building: • Building the 5 Project S Weapon (8 turns) • Starts building 50 WSA-2 Tanks (water/surface/air) (1 turns) • 4 Fuel Jets (1 turns) • 2 destroyers (3 turns) • 50 SAS-1 Jets (50) • 5 Electro Disrupter (2 turns) • 50 Black Hawks (1turn) Research • Researches Electro pulse gun; will be able to be attached to planes and tanks and when fired, fries all of the electronics on it's target (2 turns) Military: Army: •15,000 total -4,000 will be special forces/recon -4, 000 will be Airborne -7,000 will be infantry Navy: •17,274 total -10,000 Sailors -750 Scientists -500 Marines -1,024 Pilots -5,000 Marines 1 Carrier (super advance) 1 Destroyer 6 Blackhawks Helicopters 58 SAS-1's Fighter jets 1 Aircraft Personal Carrier/bomber Air Force •16,000 total -6,000 will be pilots -5,000 will be AF special forces/airborne -5,000 will be AF engineers/workers 100 SAS-1's 50 BlackHawks 3 Personal Aircraft carriers/bombers 100 ballistic missiles added to armory
Re: World Leaders - PBP The Kingdom of Seychelles denies this offer for now. But if Israel is ever under attack will agree to a Jump-Pack. This means if any two or more countries or an alliance invades Israel or TKS, the other will help the one being hit out.
Re: World Leaders - PBP Country name: UPAA War: The UPAA offers Japan an offer: 200 units of Oil for 5 turns and the equivalent of $20million, in exchange for all aggressive movements against each other cease for atleast 10 turns (1 of them reaches) Political: The UPAA accepts Israel's invitation. The UPAA warns that it will be taken into account who helps NZ. The UPAA wishes to negotiate with the TAC. The UPAA wishes to negotiate a trade with Seychelles. Building: Atlantia finished constructing 50 V-2's Cyron finished constructing 2 destroyers Khawlony is building 1 carrier (2 turns) Atlantia begins building 2 anti air guns (1 turns) Tivoli begins constructing 50 V-2's (1T) Moosecow begins constructing 50 hovertanks (1T) Research Israel - Researching better bullet penetration bullets. (2 turns) Training: Outfitting all Infantry with Stealth Tech (4 turns) Outfitting all Special Forces with Stealth Tech (1 turn) Armoring hovertanks with stealth tech (2 turns) Armoring V-2's with stealth tech (2 turns) Unsused Forces: 66,700 All-Purpose Infantry 9,150 Special Force Infantry 1 Troop Transport 200 Hovertanks 150 V-2 Fighters -Advanced Pilots 2 Destroyers 6 Naval Crews In Use Forces: 1,800 Infantry, 200 Special Forces - Japan 10,000 Infantry, 2,000 Special Forces, 75 Hovertanks, 1 Troop Transport Fleet - Israel 250 Special Forces - TAC 5,000 Infantry, 2 Destroyers, 1 Troop Transport - America 9,000 Infantry, 1,000 Special Forces, 2 Stealth Submarines - Large Troop Transport 50 V-2 Fighters Aircraft Carrier - Aircraft Carrier Total Forces: 97,500 Infantry 12,600 Special Forces 6 Destroyers 1 Large Troop Transport 1 Troop Transports 1 Troop Transport Fleet 1 Large Aircraft Carrier 2 High Stealth Submarines 300 Hovertanks 200 V-2 Fighters 10 Naval Crews Trade: The UPAA is willing to buy advanced technology with 200 units of oil and 75 units of uranium. All troops not in use are available for rent. Other: 5,000 soldiers go to a large town in Greenland, and provide them with excess food and water, hoping to gain their favor. (GM NEEDED) Technology TAC's VTOL Tech UAE's Green Code Firewall Mexico/UPAA's Stealth Tech Hovertanks and V-2's
Re: World Leaders - PBP Thank you, I accept the snakes. I am opening a national exhibit for my 7 penguins, and the snakes, along with any other animals/insects/living gifts. This will be located near my personal home.
Re: World Leaders - PBP Country: Madagascar Political: I accept audience with Israel. Gives Brazil 10 units of oil. Building: Building 1 Carriers Done Building 4 stealth submarines(3 turns) Building 100 F-35's(3 days) Building 50 M1A2 Abrams tanks(1 days) Building 5 destroyers(4 turns) Building 4 cruisers( 4 turns) Researching Solid spider webbing for construction.(2 turns) Nuclear power for submarines and ships(1 turns) Laser rifle for solders(3 turns) Training Training 50k elite soldiers(8 turns) Troops 4 destroyers 1 carrier fleet- 1 carriers, 1 battle ship, 3 destroyers 2 Carrier 1 Battleship fleet- 2 Battleships, 1 carrier, 1 destroyer 3 Iowa Battleship 50k infantry 10k Elite soldiers 20 F-35s 50 M1A2 Abrams tanks War:-GM NEEDED 1. India will receive full rights and freedoms of every Madagascarian. 2. Madagascar will provide full protection of India from foreign countries. 3. India's and Madagascar's economy will become one. 4. India's name would stay the same.
Re: World Leaders - PBP Country: Brazil Politics: N/A Buildings: AA guns finished in Galapagos 3 turns to stadium in Brasilia 2 turns to carrier in Rio Small barracks finished in Galapagos 1 turn to better bunkers in Brasilia Begin construction of research facility in Galapagos (3 turns) Research: Drone fighters in 2 turns Military: Brazilian forces have surrounded Lao Paz. The meet heavy resistance and withdraw, slowly choking the city in a tight siege. (Still awaiting GM) Training: 5000 land troops to be stationed in Barracks in Galapagos (3 turns [fast because of barracks])
Re: World Leaders - PBP Country: TAC WAR MOVES Waiting on GM Political:We are hoping to remain neutral in any coming alliance wars. We also plan to improve standards of our troops with our next research project. We may invite other countries to participate in mock battles and improve their experience as well, for a price Building: Construction of Fort Cuchulain in the midlands of Ireland (3 turns) Research: We begin researching Advanced Troop training allowing us to train troops to be highly flexible and deadly in almost all scenarios(5 turns) Troops: 1000 infantry and 200 of our special forces have begun to train with exo suits in Edinburugh. As a showof good will we will train 100 of the UPAAs Special Forces with exos which will be given to them free of charge provided they promise not reverse engineer this tech. There are 10 "Mars Mark I" combat robots are being produced in London Robotics Lab. We are training 15 operators and engineers to operate/maintain these robots Standing Military: 3 Sea Fleets 8000 infantry 15 LAVs 15 MBTs 450 Special Forces 200 are our own 250 are on rent from UPAA 400 pilots Avion Helicarrier Zeus Helicarrier 15 mock 10 fighters 5 Drones Tech: Desalination plants Vtol tech Advanced renewable energy tech, Adv robotics Terraformation
Re: World Leaders - PBP Country Kingdom of Seychelles Purpose of Post. King Rustic is enjoying the World News Channel a lot more these days Built 50 WSA-2 Tanks 50 SAS-1's jet build 50 Blackhawks 4 fuel jets Building: • Building the 5 Project S Weapon (7 turns) • Starts building 50 WSA-2 Tanks (water/surface/air) (1 turns) • 4 Fuel Jets (1 turns) • 2 destroyers (2 turns) • 50 SAS-1 Jets (1 turn) • 5 Electro Disrupter (2 turns) • 50 Black Hawks (1turn) Research • Researches Electro pulse gun; will be able to be attached to planes and tanks and when fired, fries all of the electronics on it's target (1 turns) Military: Army: •15,000 total -4,000 will be special forces/recon -4, 000 will be Airborne -7,000 will be infanty 50 WSA Tanks Navy: •17,274 total -10,000 Sailors -750 Scientists -500 Marines -1,024 Pilots -5,000 Marines 1 Carrier (super advance) 1 Destroyer 56 Blackhawks Helicopters 108 SAS-1's Fighter jets 1 Aircraft Personal Carrier/bomber 2 Fuel Jets Air Force •16,000 total -6,000 will be pilots -5,000 will be AF special forces/airborne -5,000 will be AF engineers/workers 100 SAS-1's 50 BlackHawks 3 Personal Aircraft carriers/bombers 2 Fuel Jets 100 ballistic missiles added to armory Land The Seychelles Isles
Re: World Leaders - PBP Kingdom of Seychelles Offers Lady Mexico a free visit the explore the Seychelles Isles and monitor/watch/collect some of it's many wild life.
Re: World Leaders - PBP Country: TAC Political: TAC agrees to negotiate with the UPAA and would also like to trade with Mexico
Re: World Leaders - PBP The First Lady thanks Seychelles and will accept or politely decline after consulting with the Prime Minister.
Re: World Leaders - PBP Country: Brazil Politics: N/A Buildings: 2 turns to stadium in Brasilia Better bunkers in Brasilia finished 1 turn to carrier in Rio 2 turn to research facility in Galapagos Begin construction of fighter/bombers (5) to equip on carrier (3 turns) Begin construction of titanium mine in Rio (2 turns) Research: 1 turn to drone fighters Military: Waiting for GM. Please respond GMs.
Re: World Leaders - PBP Mexico Post War: Mexico begins integration of American facilities/personnel and equipment. - 2T (Fort worth texas, port of Los Angelos, Anderson AFB California) 30 tanks 15 LAVS 50 Planes One old carrier 15K men Political: @World statement: Mexico states that it will defend its alliance. If UPAA Japan, Mexico would have declared war. We remain on standby and hope peace will prevail. The Mexican first fleet docks at Hern. Mexico sends 10K troops from Fort Pila to the Brazillian border. they will set up fortifications Research: Research into rubber armouring for everything from missiles to carriers has begun. UPCAA/Mexico stealth tech - Completed. Mexican and UPCAA scientist have found a way to make better camouflaging by bending light. Our scientists have worked very hard and we are now able to apply this tech to our soldiers and tanks. We are working to apply it to ships - 2T Building: The building of the Texas AFB begins - 4T The building of the 6th Mexican carrier fleet is under way. It will be a fleet with no homeport. - 2T The rebuilding of Cali and NM begins - 1T Ground work on the nuclear plant begins - 1 turns Troops: 50 tanks - 2T 50 Planes - 2T ------------- Total men in armed and national forces - 332K Mexican national guard 100K - Pockets of 2k men throughout the Mexican homeland and NYC Army - 114.6K In the army. Fort Pila - 55K - 1k Personnel - 20 tanks - 5 LAVS Fort Tila - 55K - 1k Personnel - 20 tanks - 5 LAVS 600 SF - Headquartered in Mexican mountain bunker. 15 unused tanks 20 LAVS Navy - 83K Personnel Five carrier fleets. (1 Supercarrier, five destroyers, two troop transport[ 10K each) and two AVT [5 tanks] *Each) 1st in port Hern. (Pacific) 2nd in Vancruez (Atlantic) 3rd is based in Israel 4th has no home port (Off coast of France) 5th has no home port. (In the middle of the pacific) One submarine (Docked at Hern.) One rocket ship (Docked in Barcelona.) Airforce - 25K pilots Airfield near Mexico city and in the Mexican mountains. Anderson AFB - California - 50 planes will be here once built. 350 Swedish mock 10 jets, 12 mock 12 jets. (200 are in Mexico, the rest are in Israel.) Land: All of central America. Colombia and Venezuela. NYC. Research: Iron dome defense system. Off/Def missile tech. Light bending stealth tech(With UPCA). Advanced armouring(For tanks, aircraft and ships.) Advanced aircraft carriers. Space defense tech.(Undeveloped.)