[BETA] World Leaders - PBP

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by -IIXII-AJ-IIXII-, Apr 18, 2015.

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  1. Re: World Leaders - PBP

    Mexico is recalling its first lady home due to the Japanese fleet approaching. The Mexican first carrier fleet is only sailing to UPAA to retrieve the first lady. It will wait in International waters for her.
  2. Re: World Leaders - PBP

    The UPAA is open to here what NZ would like to have to appease them, and allow it to benefit both their nations.
  3. Re: World Leaders - PBP

    To attack another player, you need to.
  4. Re: World Leaders - PBP

    Will the UPAA pull out of NZ?
  5. Re: World Leaders - PBP

    Country: TAC

    Political:We condemn Japans actions against the UPAA

    The Third Fleet commences landings on King Frederik Coast
    The Helicarrier lands outside of the capital
    Drones and air strikes begin on military targets
    Political:We are looking to form an alliance we need 4 other countries to form an alliance please make it known if you would like to join and we will consider you. We send the First Fleet towards the UAE to collect UAE forces.
    Building: Construction of a Robotics lab in London begins (3 turns)
    Research: We begin researching Terra morphing(5 turns)

    Troops: Another helicarrier and a full competent of troops is under way in London

    Standing Military:
    3 Sea Fleets
    8000 infantry
    15 LAVs
    15 MBTs
    450 Special Forces (on rent from UPAA)
    400 pilots
    Avion Helicarrier
    15 mock 10 fighters
    5 Drones
    desalination plants, VTOL tech, advanced renewable tech and robotics
  6. Re: World Leaders - PBP

    Country: Madagascar

    Political: I will make a alliance with you TAC. I release this statement to the other countries:
    " On this day April 20, 2020 Japan declared war on UPAA. My country, Madagascar, will not be apart of any fight
    and will trade oil and other good for solid gold to both sides. I urge both sides to stand with peace and
    work out a peace agreement. Madagascar will make no alliances with warring nations until the war ends. "

    building 10 stealth bombers Done
    Building 2 Iowa Battleships(3 turns)
    Building 2 Carriers(3 turns)
    Building 50 M1A2 Abrams tanks(1 turns)
    Building 1 Navy base in a secret location(1 turns)
    Building 1 airfield in Toliairr( 1 turns)

    Solid spider webbing for construction.(4 turns)
    turning foods into oil-Done
    Nuclear power for submarines and ships(3 turns)

    Train 10 naval crews(1 turns)
    Tain 50 tank crews(1 turn)

    4 destroyers
    1 Carrier
    1 Iowa Battleship
    50k infantry
    10k Elite soldiers
    20 F-35s
    10 Stealth Bombers

    I send 4 destroyers and a carrier holding 15 F-35s to India from Madagascar to India(1 turns) demanding they surrender or be fired upon.
  7. Re: World Leaders - PBP

    Troops have 1 turn of training left.
    Same for carrier troop transport and missiles
    Behemoth finishes in 3 turns
    Nano tech and tech 1 will be finished in 3 turns
  8. Re: World Leaders - PBP

    Will the UPAA pull out of NZ?
  9. Re: World Leaders - PBP

    This just in, a massive 8.8 earth-quake hits off the coast on NZ. All communications in that area has been disabled.

    The countries in that sector can choose their poison.

  10. Re: World Leaders - PBP

    Country name: UPAA


    The UPAA accepts Israel's invitation.

    The UPAA warns that it will be taken into account who helps NZ.

    The UPAA allow the 1st Lady to use a military class transport to take her to international waters.

    Atlantia finished building 2 hydro power stations. (50% more efficient energy, less warming)
    Atlantia finished constructing 50 V-2's
    Cyron is constructing 2 destroyers (1 turns)
    Khawlony begins building 1 carrier (3 turns)
    Atlantia begins building 2 anti air guns (2 turns)

    Israel - Researching better bullet penetration bullets. (3 turns)

    Converted all planes not on Carrier to V-2's
    Converted all planes on Carrier
    Moosecow trained 5,000 Infantry

    Unsused Forces:
    66,700 All-Purpose Infantry
    9,150 Special Force Infantry
    1 Troop Transport
    200 Hovertanks
    100 V-2 Fighters -Advanced Pilots
    2 Destroyers
    6 Naval Crews

    In Use Forces:
    1,800 Infantry, 200 Special Forces - Japan

    10,000 Infantry, 2,000 Special Forces, 75 Hovertanks, 1 Troop Transport Fleet - Israel

    250 Special Forces - TAC

    5,000 Infantry, 2 Destroyers, 1 Troop Transport - America

    9,000 Infantry, 1,000 Special Forces, 2 Stealth Submarines - Large Troop Transport

    50 V-2 Fighters Aircraft Carrier - Aircraft Carrier

    Total Forces:
    97,500 Infantry
    12,600 Special Forces
    6 Destroyers
    1 Large Troop Transport
    1 Troop Transports
    1 Troop Transport Fleet
    1 Large Aircraft Carrier
    2 High Stealth Submarines
    300 Hovertanks
    200 V-2 Fighters
    10 Naval Crews

    The UPAA is willing to buy advanced technology with 200 units of oil and 75 units of uranium.

    All troops not in use are available for rent.

    5,000 soldiers set up camp on Greenland.

    TAC's VTOL Tech
    UAE's Green Code Firewall
    Mexico/UPAA's Stealth Tech (Not Fully Ready)
    Hovertanks and Planes
  11. Re: World Leaders - PBP

    First Lady boards the Mexican carrier.
  12. Re: World Leaders - PBP

    UAE releases satement: we will support our alliance no matter what. We encourage all parties to settle this peacefully over a beer. Beer will be provided by the UAE.
  13. Re: World Leaders - PBP

    10 UPAA V-2 Fighter Jets lost communication during the earthquake. They have not reported back yet and it is believed that they may have run out of fuel and crashed.

    The earthquake did not happen near Wellington and the people and the government there are ok, however there is no communication between the carrier and the soldiers.

    The submarines received strange seismic readings and returned back to the airplane carrier before it happened.
  14. Re: World Leaders - PBP

    Israel wishes to start an alliance with these countries:

  15. Re: World Leaders - PBP

    TAC is dissapointed with this
  16. Re: World Leaders - PBP


    Post War:

    it is agreed that America will be divided this way:

    Mexico begins integration of American facilities/personnel and equipment. - 3T
    (Fort worth texas, port of Los Angelos, Anderson AFB California)

    30 tanks
    15 LAVS
    50 Planes
    One old carrier
    15K men


    @World statement:

    Mexico states that it will defend its alliance. If UPAA Japan, Mexico would have declared war. We remain on standby and hope peace will prevail.

    The Mexican first fleet sails back for Hern.


    UPCAA/Mexico stealth tech - Completed. Mexican and UPCAA scientist have found a way to make better camouflaging by bending light. Our scientest have worked very hard and we are now able to apply this tech to our soldiers and tanks.

    We are working to apply it to ships - 3T


    The building of the Texas AFB begins - 5T
    The building of the 6th Mexican carrier fleet is under way. It will be a fleet with no homeport. - 4T
    The rebuilding of Cali and NM begins - 2T
    The rebuilding of NYC begins - Complete
    Ground work on the nuclear plant begins - 2 turns


    50 tanks - 3T
    50 Planes - 3T
    Mexico begins the conversion of regular carriers into nuclear supercarriers - Completed
    Mexico begins special forces training for 500 men. - Complete


    Total men in armed and national forces - 332K

    Army -

    114K In the army. 55K each fort. (In fort Pila and Tila. 1k Personal to maintain the base.)

    100K* (Pockets of 2k men) of Mexico's men guard Mexico and the province of Guatemala/Columbia/Ven/The west coast of America and NYC at all times.

    100 tanks
    30 LAVS

    600 SF

    *National guard

    Navy -

    83K Personnel

    Four carrier fleets. (1 Carrier, five destroyers, two troop transport 10K each) *Each

    One in port Hern. (Pacific) One in Vancruez (Atlantic) The third is based in Israel and the fourth has no home.(Off coast of France)

    One submarine
    One rocket ship - Sailing for Barcelona.

    Naval station in Barcelona. (Rocketship)

    Airforce -

    25K pilots

    Airfield near Mexico city and in the Mexican mountains.
    Anderson AFB - California - 50 planes will be here once built

    350 Swedish mock 10 jets, 12 mock 12 jets. (200 are in Mexico, the rest are in Israel.)

    Land: All of central America and Colombia. and Venezuela. All off the west coast, and NYC.


    Iron dome defense system. Off/Def missile tech. Light bending stealth tech(With UPCA). Advanced armouring(For tanks, aircraft and ships.) Advanced aircraft carriers. Space defense tech.(Undeveloped.)
  17. Re: World Leaders - PBP

    Country: Madagascar

    Political: I accept audience with Isreal

    Building 2 Iowa Battleships(1 turns)
    Building 2 Carriers(2 turns)
    Building 50 M1A2 Abrams tanksDone
    Building 1 Navy base in a secret locationDone
    Building 1 airfield in ToliairrDone
    Building 4 stealth submarines(5 turns)
    Building 100 F-35's(5 days)
    Building 50 M1A2 Abrams tanks(3 days)

    Solid spider webbing for construction.(3 turns)
    Nuclear power for submarines and ships(2 turns)
    Lazer satellite capable of firing a laser at any targeted location visible to it from Earth(5 turns)

    Train 10 naval crewsDone
    Tain 50 tank crewsDone
    Training 50k elite soldiers(10 days)

    4 destroyers
    1 Carrier
    1 Iowa Battleship
    50k infantry
    10k Elite soldiers
    20 F-35s
    50 M1A2 Abrams tanks

    I send 4 destroyers and a carrier holding 15 F-35s to India from Madagascar to India (done)demanding they surrender or be fired upon.
  18. Re: World Leaders - PBP

    India would like to see better terms than that.
  19. Re: World Leaders - PBP

    UAE sends first lady some desert snakes they found down the back of the sofa jks they are very rare
  20. Re: World Leaders - PBP



    Leaders arrive at the party in the Embassy. Each person who came will be given one unit of titanium. (I'm accepting gifts as well)

    1 turn to AA in Galapagos
    4 turns to stadium in Brasilia
    3 turns to carrier in Rio
    2 fighters finished (1 in Galapagos, 1 in Cayenne)

    Beginning Small barracks at Galapagos (1 turn)
    Beginning more elaborate bunkers in Brasilia (2 turns)

    2 turns to drone fighters

    With the capital of Bolivia surrounded, it will be only a matter if time before it falls.
    (Waiting on GM for this)
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