[BETA] World Leaders - PBP

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by -IIXII-AJ-IIXII-, Apr 18, 2015.

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  1. Re: World Leaders - PBP

    Political; TAC would of course be grateful for any military aid and will share resources from its section of Greenland. It is delighted to have good relations with the other alliance
  2. Re: World Leaders - PBP

    As prior post doesn't count as a full move
    Training of troops now has 2 turns left
    Same for carrier and troop transport and missiles
    Behemoth research is now finished
    First behemoth cruiser will be finished in 4 turns
    Research into the field of nano technology is now being started.
    The construction of the first orbital weapons platform is now being started
    It will be designated the name tech 1

    Political: UAE sends 10 advanced fighters via london
    UAE requests that tac helps move the troops (50 tanks 5k troops) I. E. We don't have any troop transport. :(
    1 destroyer is being sent to the region but will not be under direct control of the tac
  3. Re: World Leaders - PBP

    Country : Cuba

    -Military : As Cuba sent a fleet to go with TAC to Greenland, Cuba demands the same of IceLand
  4. Re: World Leaders - PBP

    Country: Madagascar

    Political: In Brazil. I am willing to alliance with anyone

    Arms ships and planes with new laser aa technology. Along with their guns and rockets Done
    building 10 stealth bombers(1 turns)
    Building 2 Iowa Battleships(4 turns)
    Building 2 Carriers(4 turns)
    Building 50 M1A2 Abrams tanks(2 turns)
    Building 1 Navy base in a secret location(2 turns)
    Building 1 airfield in Toliairr( 2 turns)

    Emp Done
    turning foods into oil(1 turns)

    Train 10 naval crews(2 turns)
    Tain 50 tank crews(2 turn)

    4 destroyers
    1 Carrier
    1 Iowa Battleship
    50k infantry
    10k Elite soldiers
    20 F-35s

    I send 4 destroyers and a carrier holding 15 F-35s to India from Madagascar(2 turns) and demand they surrender or be fired upon.

    Secret move-
    (Keeps 2 destroyers within 100 miles of Brazil to make sure nothing goes wrong)
  5. Re: World Leaders - PBP

    Country name: UPAA

    The Special Force troops enter the Capitol, and show the government this treaty: (GM NEEDED)

    The UPAA accepts Israel's invitation.

    The UPAA announce that Greenland has the same terms as NZ once did. However, they will only take half the land, the other will belong to the TAC. If they do not surrender, they will take the land by force.

    The UPAA warns that it will be taken into account who helps NZ.

    The UPAA grants Mexico's 1st lady to have researchers in the area.

    Atlantia is building 2 hydro power stations (1 turns)
    Tivoli finished constructing 25 Hovertanks.
    Atlantia begins constructing 50 V-2's (1 turn)
    Cyron begins constructing 2 destroyers (2 turns)

    Israel - Researching better bullet penetration bullets. (4 turns)

    Cyron upgraded its docks.
    Converted all tanks to Hovertanks
    Converted all planes not on Carrier to V-2's (1 turn)
    Converting all planes on Carrier (1 turns)
    Moosecow trained 5,000 Infantry

    Unsused Forces:
    61,700 All-Purpose Infantry
    9,150 Special Force Infantry
    1 Troop Transport
    200 Hovertanks
    100 V-2 Fighters -Advanced Pilots
    2 Destroyers
    6 Naval Crews

    In Use Forces:
    1,800 Infantry, 200 Special Forces - Japan

    10,000 Infantry, 2,000 Special Forces, 75 Hovertanks, 1 Troop Transport Fleet - Israel

    250 Special Forces - TAC

    5,000 Infantry, 2 Destroyers, 1 Troop Transport - America

    9,000 Infantry, 1,000 Special Forces, 2 Stealth Submarines - Large Troop Transport

    50 Mock-12 Fighters Aircraft Carrier - Aircraft Carrier

    Total Forces:
    92,500 Infantry
    12,600 Special Forces
    6 Destroyers
    1 Large Troop Transport
    1 Troop Transports
    1 Troop Transport Fleet
    1 Large Aircraft Carrier
    2 High Stealth Submarines
    300 Hovertanks
    150 Mock 12 Fighters
    10 Naval Crews

    The UPAA is willing to buy advanced technology with 200 units of oil and 75 units of uranium.

    All troops not in use are available for rent.

    Troop Transport and Destroyers reach Greenland Coast.

    TAC's VTOL Tech
    UAE's Green Code Firewall
    Mexico/UPAA's Stealth Tech (Not Fully Ready)
    Hovertanks and Planes
  6. Re: World Leaders - PBP

    TAC will send the first fleet to collect UAE tforces if Greenland does not accept the inevitable
  7. Re: World Leaders - PBP

    Country: Japan

    Political: Japan responds to NZ's call for help by sending 50k troops on 2 carrier fleets and 120 fighter jets towered the UPAA and asking the UPAA to abandon it's assault on NZ.

    Building: 1 turn left on the air base at Hawaii.

    Research: 3 turns left on secret research,
  8. Re: World Leaders - PBP

    (You have to sail to NZ first)
  9. Re: World Leaders - PBP

    I am bypassing NZ and heading streight for the UPAA.
  10. Re: World Leaders - PBP

    Then sail to the UPAA, where are you sailing from?
  11. Re: World Leaders - PBP

    Unless you pull out of NZ.
  12. Re: World Leaders - PBP

    Greenland rejects all offers and declares war on the aggressive nations.

    NZ is willing to negotiate better terms for her people. Offers a CF.
  13. Re: World Leaders - PBP

    Sexism :lol:
  14. Re: World Leaders - PBP

    I am sailing from Japan, but my 120 fighter jets will reach the UPAA first.
  15. Re: World Leaders - PBP

    You have to be as descriptive as possible when going to war. First, you need to either declare war. Or just sail to NZ/UPAA. Either way, you need to list where you are leaving from and how you are getting there with what troops.
  16. Re: World Leaders - PBP

    UPAA is in Antarctica. You need to send a carrier fleet to the theatre there.
  17. Re: World Leaders - PBP

    From: Hawaii
    To: UPAA
    Means of transportation: 2 carrier fleets and 120 fighter jets.
    Troops: 2k navy troops, 50k infantry, 1k Air Force.
  18. Re: World Leaders - PBP

    Does this mean you declare war on UPAA? The point of you going to war was to help NZ. Clafification needed.

    Also, your carrier fleet each has 2 troop transports. that can carry 10K each = 40K troops.

    *Not picking on you
  19. Re: World Leaders - PBP

    You have to declare war to attack someone right?
  20. Re: World Leaders - PBP

    Ok, I'm sending 40k troops and 120 fighter jets. the goal is to divide UPAA between Japan and NZ to help NZ.
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