[BETA] World Leaders - PBP

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by -IIXII-AJ-IIXII-, Apr 18, 2015.

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  1. Re: World Leaders - PBP

    USA have 19, only 10 (soon to be 11) are the modern full size nuclear powered carriers. The others are old and a lot smaller.
  2. Re: World Leaders - PBP

    Political: TAC accepts UPAAs offer if they throw in 250 special forces for a year
  3. Re: World Leaders - PBP

    The UPAA accept TAC's offer.
  4. Re: World Leaders - PBP

    You know what I meant. :p
  5. Re: World Leaders - PBP

    Country: TAC

    Political: TAC requests entrance into Mexico/UAE/Cuba/Japan alliance

    secret move : offers VTOL tech to all alliance members to accept TAC into the alliance(upon entry)

    Research: looking into renewable energy
  6. Re: World Leaders - PBP



    Mexican hackers crash the American power structure. America is now in the dark.

    Mexican troops from Pila(30K) amass on the border, poised for the kill.



    Mexico votes "Yes" for the TAC to join.


    Insurrection tech - 2 turns
    Naval warfare tech - 2 turns
    UPCAA/Mexico stealth tech - 3 turns


    Ground work on the nuclear plant begins - 7 turns
    Mexican rocket ship - 4 turns
    Mexican submarine - 1 turns


    The third Mexican carrier fleet reaches Vancruez

    The process of rebuilding and integration their armed forced (30 tanks, 10k infantrymen) will take some time - 1 more turn. The Mexican national guard shifts to accommodates the new lands. The armed forces have returned to base.


    Total men in armed and national forces - 350K

    Army -

    135K In the army. 55K each fort. (In fort Pila and Tila. 1k Personal to maintain the base.)

    75 tanks
    30 LAVS

    Navy -

    83K Personnel

    Four carrier fleets. (1 Carrier, five destroyers, two troop transport 10K each) *Each

    One in port Hern. (Pacific) One in Vancruez (Atlantic. The third is based in Israel and the fourth has no home.

    Naval station in Barcelona. (Rocket ship)

    Airforce -

    25K pilots

    Airfield near Mexico city and in the Mexican mountains.

    300 Swedish mock 10 jets, 12 mock 12 jets. (150 are in Mexico, the rest are in Israel.)

    100K of Mexico's men guard Mexico and the province of Guatemala at all times.

    Land: All of central America and Colombia. and Venezula
  7. Re: World Leaders - PBP

    Country name: UPAA

    The UPAA requests a meeting with Israel.

    The UPAA requests a meeting with (NPC) New Zealand

    Germany: Game takes place next turn.

    Tivoli finishes grand Soccer stadium.
    Cyron constructing Large Troop Transport(1 turn)
    Tivoli constructing 50 Mock 12 Speed Fighter Jets. (1 turns)
    Atlantis finishes constructing 50 tanks.
    Khawlong begins construction of large aircraft carrier. (Capable of 50 planes) (3 turns)

    Tivoli trained 16 Elite Professional Soccer Players.
    Moosecow begins trained 10,000 All-Purpose Infantry Troops.
    Cyron training 10 naval crews. (3 turns)

    Unsused Forces:
    55,700 All-Purpose Infantry
    6,150 Special Force Infantry
    2 High Stealth Submarines
    75 Tanks
    150 Fighters (Mock 12 Speed) -Advanced Pilots
    1 Troop Carrier
    2 Destroyers

    In Use Forces:
    1,800 Infantry, 200 Special Forces - Japan

    15,000 Infantry, 2,000 Special Forces, 75 Tanks, 1 Troop Transport Fleet, 2 Destroyers - Secret

    250 Special Forces - TAC

    The UPAA is willing to buy advanced technology with 200 units of oil and 75 units of uranium.

    All troops are available for rent.
  8. Re: World Leaders - PBP

    Mexico would like to rent UCPAA troops to secure New York city. We'd like it intact.
  9. Re: World Leaders - PBP

    Country: Madagascar

    Politics: in alliance with Japan
    Request a peace agreement with all countries

    Naval bases- 2 turns left

    Research-stealth technology(2 turns left)

    Training- 5 naval crews(1 day)
  10. Re: World Leaders - PBP

    The UPAA would be glad to supply troops. How many regiments (1k men) or brigades (500 men) would you like to use? Or would you like to use some Special Force companies (100 men)? If you would like different troops, we could negotiate.

    If you wish to pay in cash, it would cost the equivalent of $875,000 for each regiment, and $475,000 for each brigade. It would cost $250,000 for each Special Force Company unless you'd like to pay in resources. For every 4 turns.

    What are you offering for these troops?
  11. Re: World Leaders - PBP

    None Kingdom of Seychelles

    Purpose of Post.
    Bullet shells fall litter the ground. Unprepared Rustic men took out the old dictator of Seychelles without incident.

    Rustic stands on the balcony of the capital as the citizens of Seychelles gather. He looks out to them with a grin to his face.

    "I have liberated your government and I shall now crown myself as your king."

    And uneasy scuffle occures.

    "As your king I shall now employ you all. Post-Haste water shall be restored and the food lockers shall be open for all! I shall reinstate your power and shelter the homeless. No more will any of you ever starve again"

    Sock and excitement fills the ravaged nation as all hail the king chants start.

    Seychelles has established mines and methods to obtain a very rare red jewel, the Blood Diamond. As well as an unused Airforce base and a navel base all in their low. City/Capital of Victoria. On the Air base there are 3 active, unused and inarmed F-18's. On the Nevy base there is one unused Destroyer that needs armed and maintenances.

    On Rustic's lone Air Craft carrier it house 5 SAS-1 Fighter Jets, 6 Black Hawk helicopters, with over 1,000 sailors, 500 marines, 2 dozen pilots, and 750 scientists.

    Hidden in it's science lab is also 1 ton of stolen Swedish Petroleum (which was originally from Mexixo) and 2 tons of stolen Uranium (Which was originally from France.)

    "The women will work the mines and the men will stand on the front lines. They will be fed, spoils, and productive." Rustic tells his general as he goes to walk back into the capital. "Stage 1 is complete, it is time to prepare for the next stage."

    Restore the diamond mines (1 turn)
    Restore the Air Force base (1 turn)
    Restore the Navy Base (1 turn)
    Restore the 3 F-18's and transform them into SAS-1's (2 turns)
    Restore and rearm the destroyer (1 turn - restoration will not occur until the Navy Base is restored)
    Building small arms for the militia (2 turn)

    Long way ballistic Missile that can either be loaded with or with out nuclear warheads. (1 turn)

    Project S, A new weapon project. (3 turns, can not complete the last Turn without a rare element.

    Hospital project; research how to treat and cure the sick in Seychelles. (1 turn)


    46,000 of the 100,000 people in Seychelles are men between 17 and 40 years of age and they are all drafted into the militia (all are currently unarmed)

    1,000 Sailors
    750 Scientists
    500 Marines
    24 Pilots
    1 Carrier
    1 Destroyer
    (being restored)
    6 Blackhawks Helicopters
    5 SAS-1's Fighter jets
    (They are the ones that can travel into space and back)
    3 F-18's (Being upgraded into SAS-1's)

    Air Force
    Inactive - Base being restored.

    Training the Militia to be soldiers in all 4 branches - 4 turns

    Exports: Blood Diamonds, Steel, Coal, and Gold.
  12. Re: World Leaders - PBP

    Israel requests aerial support in it's war with Egypt.
  13. Re: World Leaders - PBP

    Country : Cuba

    -War : Cuba sends 8,000 marines into the edge of Florida. They will work their way up the East Coast and kill anyone who does not surrender to Cuba and accept our control.

    -Political : Cuba votes yes on TAC joining the alliance.
  14. Re: World Leaders - PBP

    5k regiment. You will be paid when our troops reach NYC.

    Note: Cuba will be marching northward, don't be alarmed.
  15. Re: World Leaders - PBP

    Treaty accepted. Will await your troops arrival.
  16. Re: World Leaders - PBP

    Country: TAC
    Political : TAC would like to know if food/water is needed in seychelles
  17. Re: World Leaders - PBP

    Country: Israel


    Israel has accepted the treaty with the UPAA and begins to transport 500 scientists to their ports. Israel would like to ask the UPAA where to set them.

    Israel respectfully asks Mexico if Israel can join the alliance.


    Israel and the UAE have built the dam in the Nile River, leaving Egypt without a fresh supply of water. Egypt has begun to weaken.

    Israel is willing to offer Egypt the chance to surrender it's territory to the Israelis and the Emirates.

    Israel awaits Mexican air support.
  18. Re: World Leaders - PBP

    5,000 All-Purpose Infantry board the Troop Transport Carrier in Cyron depart for New York Harbor, it is escorted by 3 Destroyer ships. (3 turns)

    (The ships will stay off the coast of New York Harbor, out of range of normal artillery.)

    The UPAA warn Cuba that the ships are headed to help with the battle against America, and not to be alarmed.

    The Transport Carrier Fleet, now loaded with only 10,000 Infantry Soldiers, 2,000 Special Forces, and 75 tanks, departs for Tel Aviv-Yafo, Israel. (2 turns)
  19. Re: World Leaders - PBP

  20. Re: World Leaders - PBP

    Oh... That part wasn't for you Devon . The scientists will have 2 choices, you could allow us to build an embassy in your country, or they could be sent to Antarctica.
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