12 bil on nml = one small account hitting all items, regen bar almost never zeroed. Not too many clans would like to sit through many of them unless building bank accounts
Thats when they are slow and dont know what they are doing :lol: :lol: i can zero bar in less then a minute
Nml plunder for pots drops if more than one person spams pots. It is commonly referred to in my circle as "The NML Trick" one person does the entire pot phase by themselves as a 400/200/150/150 account after being vollied to 7B and banking all gold in runes, then proceeds to unload them all and pin the pot bar by themself. End eb payout low end: 8B, high end 13B As i have seen it happen. Just my 2¢
Finding a NQ clan that allows you to do that is incredibly difficult unless youre an admin/owner in that clan already. Finding Origins/NML is a good way for a starter account in a high off clan with stat reqs and all to grow very fast.
On this topic I have spent much time and personal experiments in my many months doing nml pots and I have come to many conclusions. There is a constant amount of gold in each denoted for the use of pots (nml my estimate is 7 Bil). This gold is distributed as a percentage of total pots used. So if I use 100 pots and there was a total of 1000 pots used in the EB I would earn 10% of the 7 Bil. There seems to be about a max gold earned of about 6.5 Bil per EB (I did 2500 one time with no other resett account doing pots). Though most clans as ours will not allow guests to use this reset policy as is standard procedure in ours. Any questions pm me and sorry for any spelling or grammar iPhone typing sucks
He is wrong no offense bro. It would not be possible for there to be 13B on item phase or 6B each which i have seen before.. Btw bossman your not active enough then. people can get 30B+ a day if they try