Best way to get max plunder?

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by *Leavefeedbackfornamechange (01), Jul 14, 2011.

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  1. Lmao there a question thread can't believe i said this to a MOD
  2. Charles your a retard this is nearly a year old.
  3. I was jk'n i see that but im farming you for saying that
  4. Ok have fun with that
  5. Ill show you lucky ig spies are at me right now!
  6. Dude you got double my spy stats and lost 5 of your 8 steals and both attacks. Let me know when your out of pin and I'll show you how it's done 
  7. Why is a mod asking a question and talking off topic. Doesn't that equal a lock. I'm sorry but I thought mods are "know it alls". No offense but I would like to have a mod with an answer:/
  8. To get max ally plunder read yarmes' wuestion thread on max ally plunder lol .(;
  9. @sport this thread is OLD (it was posted in 2011, Melissa wasn't a mod then)
  10. Whoa!!!!!! Thats a shocker. My is it in active topics??? I'm sorry Melissa. Sorry
  11. Buy allies of what ever shape until you hit MaxP - they could have all 0 stats ... Does not matter ... Once MaxP you can build cash to buy quality allies
  12. This thread went inactive July or June 20. Then restarted today. What?????
  13. lol noob read thread date 
  14. It's called grave digging. It's when stupid people bump old inactive threads. They do it for attention.
  15. It happened on the middle of page 12
  16. quit bumping old threads u dumbass
  17. So that's why no on likes u /|\
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