Best way to get max plunder?

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by *Leavefeedbackfornamechange (01), Jul 14, 2011.

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  1. Thx for expanding my answer 
  2. ༄Not necessarily expanding. It's basic info, I just presented my info in a much more thorough way so that the player might understand. And you neglected the defensive build that brings in the most plunder and you didn't explain how a balanced build works, so the player wouldn't understand why she needs to build it.༄

  3. Do eb quests battles steals and pwars
  4. Pages 1-11 r awesome tho
  5. Still a pretty dumb thread. I always thought, for the years i've been playing this game, the way to get max plunder was by hiring allies... a difficult concept?
  6. how do u figure what ur max plunder should be :?:
  7. Read my guide in strategy section, I also bumped it
  8. Sorry I haven't been playing for years.
  9. still...*copies guy_with_the_face*
  10. If you have time to volley, that will make you extra $$

    Otherwise, it makes no difference because it's the hire value that impacts your 'ally bonus' plunder.
  11. buy allies. answered on first page. why is this not locked, and why was it bumped? its old.
  12. Hey bud. You bumped it. Lol. Thanks everyone.
  13. she grew and learned the game and is now a mod :shock:
  14. Pffff lol.

    Mods where
    Sorry ARE noobs lol.
  15. best bump EVER!!!
  16. thank you :D
  17. Hi Melissa! Still hate me?
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