best way to get eb drops?

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by Haro, Mar 30, 2013.

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  1. I'm sure bathing in water with pomelo leaves greatly increases your chances of getting equipment drops from EBs. :)
  2. Don't crucify yourself, it's painful and it doesn't work...

  3. factors:
    1/ spy build = hansels and spy builds get more
    2/ more actions = xtals
    3/ items bars = don't miss them
    4/ be at too place = be big fish in small pond (on clan roster, on plunder roster after epic)
    5/ luck
  4. Well as most have stated more actions does help, its almost like u have a % chance u will get one, but by getting more actions it increases that percentage. Also, if u r lucky enuf to have a friendly warclan who wins often, i highly recommend warring with them. Most paladin eq is better than eb eq. But if u r still set on that shiny eb eq uve had ur eye on, winning wars will give u an estoc edge spell. There r five levels, n ur level goes up every time u win, n down evry time u lose or leave ur clan. What does it do? Well it ups the percentage that u will get an eq drop. Each level adds percentage, going from lvl 1 with 25% up to lvl 5 with 50%. So just by hitting n eb once with a lvl 5, u already have a 50% chance of getting a drop. More actions will increase that. Also i have noticed that more spy damage tends to help more than att, and therefor it is easier for hansels and hybrids than att builds. One last thing, the higher tier the eb, the harder it is to get the eq. The hooves r the easiest bcuz they r dropped from a t2 eb, but any eq dropped from t7 or t8 is much harder, but since it is easier for bigger ppl to hit those ebs, they in turn do more damage and get more successful actions so it is much easier for them to get higher eb eq. Hopefully this was helpful. GL with getting a drop!
  5. Hansels have more chances from my expirence
  6. I have a group of friends that tried so many times on getting the bow they almost quit. For me, it's totally luck! But I do believe that if you wanted to get that item like bow in this case, I'll for sure unequip my shield coz it really help a lot! I've tried a whole month getting abyssal sword but failed and once I unequip my diamondferrous it dropped to me. But I hit hard on that eb.
  7. *h a r d o n
  8. It all lucky I seen ppl with 1 unload get drop do it all luck
  9. Its luck i saw someone with 16 actions and got a item
  10. Hmnnn. Not sure coz i saw a guy did 6 actions and got the armplate from nml. Doing unlocking ebs drops a lot compare to not unlocking
  11. What's the best way to get arm plate I have hit 493 times on one an came up with no equip what do u have to do
  12. B active?
    Even I know that and im a noob compared to u
  13. Its all random like getting nobility on quest unlocked doesn't get u more drops it's cos there r less people that have the drop so it seems everyone gets it.
    It depends on how lucky u r
  14. Our lord and Savior speaks the truth. Heed his words.

    Also, try hitting all available phases as much as possible. Ie item phases, attack/spy phases.
    Question answered.. /lock
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