Best trolls on kaw

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by lIIlIllI___PARSFAN___lIlIlIIl, Apr 18, 2016.

  1. Good luck with that son.......happy kawing
  2. Yeah good luck with your butthurt ...scumbag, 
  3. You absolute prick. I despise you.
  4. Forum ban this idiot
  5. Only person I see here with butt hurt is you young try's only you that's raging all over this thread...why don't u go sit down for 5 mins have a kit kat n dream about having an account like mine.....maybe one day you'll get there
  6. I suggest you edit your post vex ....or else it'll be you on the wrong side of a forum ban.

    Now do as your told
  7. LOLOLOL truly you're pathetic ...I'm proud of nearly nothing on KAW other then the connections I've made. The rest is crap and you're truly pond scum 

    (idiot I have accts almost twice your size  your being recked by my statless alts)

  8. Look at the achievements on these accts. All started after TSC -V- Yafi're an idiot lol
  9. I liked you up until this point, don't lie about having bigger accounts... It's just not worth it.

  10. lol no one is lying and I don't give a damn what you think or like. if it bothers you so much

    ...well you know what to do 
  11. Just saying, it's pointless lying... You don't have a 100mcs account.
  12. Vex don't tell me what to do ...I can reck you with these statless also at the same time I reck pars and burn's not a problem 
  13. I have 3 ...want to see proof? 

    Hold up I'll dig up some really old SS 
  14. I never said, " Don't lie about having bigger accounts" I simply said it's not worth it

    If you really have bigger accounts, which I highly highly doubt, come at meh
  15. All todd has is a 100mcs imagination
  16. trololololol
  17. Oh no! The butthurt noob is stealing from my pointless alt that I just use to annoy people! What on Earth will I do? :(
  18. Its fine vex, no offens taken.
  19. *moonface*
  20. [​IMG]

    lolol like i said check achievements 3 out of these 5 acct were started after this convo which was nov. 2014 ...ill post more ss later, all convo with credible clan/alliance leaders  right bow RL is calling me 