To put it simply gh are better plunder than sos untill you reach a certain percentage of sos then the plunder starts to increase again then volaries increase youre plunder again plus youre stats. People should stop arguing over whats the best blah blah blah each build has a purpose and pros and cons depending on the skill and knowledge of the person whose account it is and their play style. As long as you put the time and effort in ultimatly it doesnt really matter the end result will be the same. Its just a matter of preference how you wish to do it everyone is different . .
Ofc both builts have pros and cons. But its a fact that bc Hansels make more Plunder compared to atk builts in similar size in ebs. In wars or pvp in general many other aspects come into play ofc.
All im saying is the amount of threads on these type of questions is getting out of control and annoying. Due to the new influx of noobs going gh thinking it is the answer to everything because thats what theyve been told on an outdated thread. Without having the proper knowledge or understanding of how the game and mechanics etc work. Then when they get stuck they spam forums with useless threads like this which has been said answered and debated about hundreds of times. End of the day there is no right or wrong answer
If just starting, or converting to Hansel, go GH if your already over 6m cs or so.. go big. Dunno how you make more on Gh than on big Hansel, but I make more than any of the GH I play with.
Blaster; honestly, you get me wrong. I divide the thing on two types: attack plunder: an hlbc att build attacking an osf will make 100-150mil per hit. That is attack troops plus bonus from ally. The second one is eb bonus. That the end bonus on eb. Now why i separate the two. Because the op talks about plunder. Eb end bonus is not plunder. Its eb bonus. Attack plunder where you get your max plunder. Eb gives less than hitting a player with larger stats. Made that 2 kind of distinctions as to what he wants to know. So which is which: eb bonus or attack plunder. I know a hlbc player gets 150mil per hit on ee, and a hlbc hansel only makes 50-70mil per hit. and a gh will get more hitting a big hansel while a big hansel will get a peny attacking a gh Hope you get it.
Big hansels make more, gh is the best bang for your buck but never sell a vol or SOS for a guild unless your always warring. if I'm not mistaken you get a bonus for beating a larger attacker as a gh. I used to have a Bc gh and it rocked in wars and Ebs but this account is fun to use as well.
1: GH best way to get LL/HL opened up. 2: GH are plunder machines and pull in alot of gold. 3: SoS Hansel is a slight plunder drop till guild to SoS ratio increases to more SoS's. 4: SoS Hansel stats are alot better than GH. 5: SoS get better returns off Assainates. 6: GH stats blow if you are thinking of getting good eb items. 7: If you want better items outside your current Clan then point 6 again seeing Clans can get funny if you are below min cs requirement for Eb. 8: Ignore points 3-7 if you main concern is gold gold gold.
@alaska: Thats for sure but may i askmyou a For what tactical reason did you build sdts? Isnt it for ee wars better to build adts as a Big hansel?
At %100 troops my plunder on FOD is $45 million. I have only one spy building. I took a break from war to save for more land and towers are a waste if your only doing eb's. So I'm all for bi when it comes to plunder.