Best Overall EE Player

Discussion in 'Wars' started by ctidwell111, Aug 18, 2014.

  1. Oh yea Val remember your lost to Sotra Rising? Which you almost disbanded for?  yea I was there and remember having 7 people on me yet still sko while ko'ing 3 of them 
  2. [​IMG]


    Now now haters don't mind my plunder I had a weird mini tank build, which as you can see did the job just perfectly! 
  3. ^thats what i get almost all the time back during chaos wars. Was your build similar to mine?
  4. Similar but not the same, I was a mini tank/SH before SH were "cool"
  5. At least we can war without using a build that destroyed ee :roll:

    No one cares for SH builds you won't even come near as the best player veni :|
  6. I remember this little noob that I meet near the start of Season 1,, 3m3raldCity_AS was his name, he quickly surpassed almost all of his senior warriors, he was by far one of the best warriors I have ever had the honour of warring with, dunno if he was the best in.all kawdom as thats a big call. But rated very highly by me. Hail 3m3rald sorry to see you dont play much anymore if at all.
  7. Lolwut never you where a noob gh. Obviously it's easy to get high actions when we pretty much dominated most clans we faced
  8. I don't know but the KaW purge is better
  9. I really dont think you can pick an overall best EE person

    You get EE warriors who are great though and you dont even need to give instruction too. These are people who know how to work their build, not always try to be top plunderer, but know their part and play it - sometimes even the best have to absorb and be meatshields
  10. Agree, put any RH warriors into -narutoshippuden- (or whatever it was) and that person would perform
  11. Vindi, I win in KO's - but far from best EE player lol.
    This was my best in season 2.


    As for THE BEST in KAW?
    Using ASW #4 as a precedent.

    I'd like to nominate: Kuzmich and hatf1eld
  12. lllllSWAGIIIII was good. Where Did he go?
  13. IMF is definitely a beast at times. Fonz is always doing well, and also I think topofthefoodchain utilizes his build extremely effectively.
  14. Appreciate the mention Santa but it's really difficult to say a LB is good at EE ....because of bfa. An average player can look like a god out there. Plunder should also not be the only factor as someone like me has many spy towers that severely limit plunder earning ability. Most of the time if you're a top 10 ally lb account... you're going to win 99% of all actions and set the tone for your team. Lately i've seen the middle of a roster perform well because the tops get crushed (if they dont have the strongest) and the bottoms are plunder targets.
  15. That was a good reply IMF.
  16. Wolfie is did you not read? I was a Tanked SH, and I don't mean the kind if SH we have now. I used my build just like I had to and did my job for the war, My job was basically to KO the people trying to SKO on me and that's just what I did. You just seem to be butt hurt at Shadow Hansel's.
  17. Strawb3rry of course.
  18. Gotta say