Best Idea Ever? How to fix kaw!

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by --BuLLETs_MaCHiNE--, Jun 13, 2012.

  1. Full support. Would help put bigger stakes on OSW's for sure
  2. Stay focused people. Jesus
  3. Not u baller  noob up there
  4. I give this idea support but let me ad on to it…
    Add a button on each building that will protect it for a certain amount of time for gold
  5. I support but it needs tweaking.

    1. It wouldn't be fair to just target spy builds, so add ally bonus to steals.

    2. Then add another feature that allows you to destroy or disable someone else's building. But first they need to be ally less and potless.

    3. Devs should add a level 4 castle that allows you to do this.

    4. And you should have to pay either
    100 mith or 6.5 billion gold to destroy their building and you are only allowed to use this feature once aday.

    5. Any build can target any other build in the game and to use this on someone they would have to be someone that you could normally attack, spy, etc.
    Sorry for all of the grammar mistakes but I'm too tired to fix them.
  6. Agree Omet. Except we 86 the pot thing cuz you can literally own millions of the cheaper ones. So no ally. No gold. Then ur open to another for of siege. But I agree with the one build per day thing for sure. And using mith to destroy it is a grrrrrreat idea 
  7. On the hit points idea everyday you could repair them if they are still standing
  8. Bumpety bump bump
  9. I dont like it either, i have school and work you know
  10. Support 
  11. I made a suggestion like this a long time ago when we had t3 only.

    My suggestion was that a new type of attack is implemented called Siege.

    Once u have stripped an enemy and removed their top 5 tier def and sdp the siege attack becomes available to be used on that person.

    A siege attack can be used on a spy and an attack build (and any other form of build) but can only be performed by people with a minimum of 800k-1m attack stats.

    The targets for this have to have atleast one of the new lands. Only highland buildings can be attacked with the siege option.

    With the siege attack the defender will take damage to 1 building in their highlands. (this building may be picked at random) Once it reaches a certain level of damage the building will become damaged.

    The hit points for siege attack should be significantly higher than normal attack troop hitpoint.

    A building once damaged will not be able to produce soldiers/spies til they are repaired.

    Successive siege attacks against a target could see all their highland builds damaged and therefore there troops count and plunder cap will be significantly lower making it tougher to get back cash.

    A damaged building can be repaired by the defender by spending a certain amount of cash. I think it should be half the cost of the value of the building hit. (level stacked)

    This way spy builds and any other builds are at risk in a war /concentrated attack. There is more to lose for all players so there will be more accountability in war.

    In summary.

    - New attack - "siege"
    - Siege available when defender is out of allies and top 5 tier spy def and def pot.
    - attack targets all build types
    - siege attack can be used only by players with min 1m attack.
    - only highlands can be targeted.
    - siege damages defenders buildings ceasing production
    - building repaired at half cost of construction.
  12. My suggestion has been edited to incorporate highlands and t4 unlike my previous one
  13. Support for darth shayan's idea. Well thought out. Perhaps we may see that in an update very soon......
  14. No support. Some people actually have lifes and can't defend themselves all day.
  15. If you have to be potless in order to destroy buildings this would not work, all someone would have to do is buy 100,000 1250 def pots...Think Harder
  16. Hey Jano. If this new seige building IS implemented. I'm gonna siege u first go troll somewhere else muppet
  17. And read the thread. U sound so stupid talking about things that have been discussed and change since the op
  18. I faRm tRick ASS mARks - NiGHTMARe
  19. I already said the top 5 tier pots. Those can be burnt.