Best Idea Ever? How to fix kaw!

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by --BuLLETs_MaCHiNE--, Jun 13, 2012.

  1. Yeah but silver honestly your too new to understand the mechanics we are talking about. You gotta be through many wars and stuff to really have a valid view or opinion on this 
  2. I'm sorry OP that I trolled your thread and I hope we don't have any these issues in the future. Thanks for understanding.
  3. Thanks qwerty. If you have a suggestion for the thread though I'd like to hear still 
  4. So back to my question-

    How would we get around the mechs? A new action?
  5. I think it's a great idea. maybe only HLBC accounts lose buildings tho. That way devs don't lose out- people spend the most HLBCing and might even pot up/ ally up loads before hlbc. Gives bigger accounts more to fight for too and will deff make war more interesting- ie; if they lose a building they won't be HLBC anymore and will drop rank. Gives something to fight for. if people hav more to lose they will fight harder! Also that way noobs will have a chance to grow and not constantly be worried about their buildings falling down and can prepare (pot up/ raise bfa) before final transition to HLBC.
  6. I honestly don't know. When your banking and such you need to be able to put yourself dtw so I dunno lol
  7. That's good point sneaky. But then to defend against building getting destroyed all you would have to do is just stop before your last land

    I think that only hansels and spies should be effected though. Atk builds already have much to lose
  8. You could build a building of some sort which allows other people to destroy your buildings. Building this building also means that you can destroy other peoples kingdoms if they have this building. You cant destroy other peoples buildings without this building. Yes a lot of buildings in this post.
  9. But Benny since we are just trying to find a way to make it so spy builds have something to lose. All they would have to Sonia not build this building. Building. Building
  10. Ok i just reread this thread and didnt understand any of it lol
  11. Now that I fully understand that this specifically targets spies I am much more in support. Idk about you but I find it infuriating when an ally-less, HLBC spy targets me, and his banner says "nothing to lose and plenty of time." I get no-life blitzed and all I can do back is scout??? There has to be something that can be done to these guys, otherwise it's invincible harassment. I agree to building damage, but only for spies.
  12. Good point. Maybe just accounts who have all 50 lands then. give people a chance to HLBC before destroying their builds. Otherwise there are alot of noobs around who wud be destroyed. For example I wud deffinately hav an exiting fun day destroying small people's builds just for the sake of it. I feel it's something that wud only appeal to bigger players. It wud probs be considered unfair if only spy builds could be destroyed. And we know how everyone loves fairness 
  13. The exact same spies would be the ones with no gold out, and you couldn't hit them anyways.

    All this idea does Is put more destructive power into the hands of those you wish to equalize.

    To all who suggest you should just pin if your buildings are attacked, I suggest you backpedal and pin when your gold and allies are attacked.

    Revenge on a spy is possible, it's just not as easy as on other builds. Suck it up, buttercup
  14. No. If you leave someone ally less and pot less, then how are they going to grow? Just keep on stripping there allies, ppl would take advantage of this. Give them the small benefit of being able to keep there buildings.
  15. The one suggestion I would make would be to incorporate ally bonus into steals. That way spies would wind up a lot more vulnerable, and would have to fear attack builds a lot more.
  16. I actually like that idea burn. Then ps would NEED ally's to be efficient. Thus the risk of ps mechanics would also see them slowly disappear on the war scene. Nice 
  17. Good idea burn. Maybe not as much, but some.
  18. Dlack. You also miss the point. It's got nothing to do with growing. It's about giving a spy build stakes to lose in a conflict.

    After a few wars u will understand and will come back and bump this thread 
  19. Mmmmm....lost after you said "or"
  20. This isn't the first time this has been suggested, I can't remember the OP that first thought of this but I'll have a search later.
    It was a good idea, the reason for it I remember, he was sick of Allyless Spy builds being basically untouchable and he said as soon as someone loses all allies and loses X amount of pots the building damage would start.
    I'll have a look for it and bump it.