With almost every update the community has spazzed, saying the the Devs are only acting in the interest of their wallets. An update such as this would make that a reality. There would be MILLIONS of nobs purchased EVERY DAY by thousands of people trying to recoup their losses.
Another idea I had, What if, once said kingdom is plotless and allyless you could "mark" a building for destruction through the scout feature. They would then get a notification "one of your buildings has been marked for destruction!" (of course not saying which one. They then have 12h to reinforce ONE building that they think you are going to destroy
a catapult U can't single out spy builds! Maybe u could target a type of building or add like a new build like a catapult that only do damage to buildings
I don't agree with destroying the buildings or even lowering their level, but perhaps if the buildings were *disabled,* it could work. Destroying the buildings wouldn't work, because too many people are paying customers who essentially buy their buildings.
@Askia, Note: I am a spy build. I'm fine with this, but it has to be for both builds. I feel it would bring back strategy. Only flaw is, it would probably discourage war further :/
As well, Alot of you have been making supporting this.FeedBack devs about the thought.Your dreams may become a reality
catapults And when u attack a building their is no reward for u attacking so this will stop anyone from having too many catapults. And maybe a new EB were u would need to destroy a wall be like a phase????
LMAO. This is a war game. It certainly wouldn't be the first war game were you can raze someone's buildings. In fact it may be the ONLY war game that buildings aren't touchable. BTW. If you aren't running home to check on your KaW then you aren't playing right. This is an iPhone/Android app. You should have it with you at all times. There should be no running home. If you are truly worried about your kingdom then you'll check. KaW HARD!!!
@askia, Wow. Destroy a wall in an eb? I'm sorry but be prepared for the comments. We substitute to much into ebs. Profit,troops, it takes away from the "main" point of the game. What does "smashing a wall down" in an eb do for that point? Your missing the idea. Probs should get back so you don't miss items or something.
Askia, your last comment can be summarized with the following- 86k wins 3k losses Nuff' said, and I'm sure my kotfe opponents on this thread will agree with me on that one.
I like it - but maybe you lose buildings (or can have them destroyed by other players) only if you have not hit another player for a period of time, say a week (or less)or have not performed a minimum number of actions on another player?
6 Storm I don't really under stand what u mean. All I'm saying is that in order to be able to destroy a building u should need something to do it like a catapult or something and add a use for it in an EB so it's not useless if your not in a war.
Support for the "catapult" or similar build. No support for eb usage. It's your decision. Eb or wars. And if you pick eb, you better bank enough for a couple catapults down the track. Eventually you'll be involved in osw. I've been in 3 now, vs some of the toughest in kaw. It always changes your play style. Look @ murphs, they now love osw and are currently in one. So I say to you, not everything can be eb related. /end slightly off topic rant
100% support! This is coming from a hansel that used to be full spy. Maybe a kingdom with a minimum of 8 attack buildings would be exempt from having the spy buildings razed to the ground.
Also another addition, The game mechs. With no gold out and under 20% most buildings are dtw- how could we get around that? We can't change the mechs again lol. Perhaps a new action with its own mechs?