Best Idea Ever? How to fix kaw!

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by --BuLLETs_MaCHiNE--, Jun 13, 2012.

  1. And if you don't have the sense to stock pots or allies then stick to your eb. I'm sure u will be fine  next noob who posts is gettn a gold old fashioned full bar from me
  2. ^that was for my post
  3. ****people are posting too fast
  4. Its not going to happen. Too many people would quit because their hard work would be gone in a flash.
  5. Support this would be interesting
  6. Well if u only have to keep one pot ( not plotless) buy the cheapest spy def pot and the cheapest def pot and ur set right?
  7.  I have to disagree. Most people's lives don't revolve around KaW. So if somebody was really out to get someone, they could just pin the all day until eventually their buildings and equipment are destroyed. People go on vacation, have internet glitches, lose connection and suddenly their kingdoms are destroyed. It would cause players to quit and the game would lose its fun value if everyone is always all like "OMG! I HAVE TO GET HOME AND CHECK KAW!" and always freaking out and worrying. So, no, I don't agree.  This wouldn't fix our problem, it would just cause more.
  8. Newer players can't be hit by bigger players. DERP DERP

    There would obviously be a point where a player or players can only cause or do so much damage.

    This would encourage players to pot up at least. And maybe troop buildings can destroy troop buildings and spy buildings can destroy other spy buildings.

    Of course towers would be very hard to raze to the ground.
  9. Are you drunk or crazy of something
  10. Mmmmm maybe not just pots then. Cuz then people will just a billion 5k pots. Idea not perfect but i think it would be great of spies had something to lose.
  11. All ideas start off rough. But I like this one. It has some good working points.
  12. Ya don't base it off pots cuz $2bil will buy 2.5trill of the smallest def pot. No way in hell your gonna burn through that many
  13. I agree, very good idea. It does need tweaking though. But turtle builds and spy builds make wars impossible to win. If one side is losing badly but doesn't admit it (aots), there should be consequences. Spies are untouchable right now also, so we need a way to make them pay.
  14. Maybe just apply to spy buildings. ????!!!! Newest bestest idea
  15. @daredevil that's not true. That would mean they cost less than 1 gold
  16. Let's lock the thread it's decided. From now on spy buildings can be raised to the ground if you have no allies. 

    Like one at a time or something.
  17. Lol that's great idea there
  18. Not destroy Buildings but items yes.
  19. This idea is bad, some people can't be on 24/7 and if they use all the att pots they could easily get past the defense pots. I've worked hard on growing but then someone can just come up and destroy my buildings. Simply no!
  20. Chicken u worked hard??? Why u such a small noob then???