Genre One: Caligula Genre Two: Wild Orchid Genre Three: Perils of Gwendoline in the land of Yik Yak Genre Four: Shaving Private Ryan Genre Five: Deep Throat Genre Six: Debbie Does Dallas What? Did I get it all wrong?
Overall- Lord of the Rings Trilogy Comedy - Ferris Buellers Day Off Horror - The Exorcist & Evil Dead Tis Season - Passion of the Christ Crime - The Godfather Animation - Toy Story
Overall - Fast And The Furious Comedy - Mr Bean Holiday Horror - The Last Exorcisms Tis - The 10 Commandments Crime - 12 Rounds Animation - Rio
One of my favorite movies is War of the Worlds. Sound effects and music is so well done in it IMO. Just saw inception though. It scored really high up like 8.5-9/10 somewhere
Overall best film: The Harry Potter series Comedy: Mr Bean Horror: The Grudge 'Tis the Season to be...: Home Alone Crime films: Jump Street series Animation: Monster Inc
Best overall - godfather 1 and 2 Best war - full metal jacket Horror - house of 1000 corpses - cuz of that movie I can't watch scary movies ever again Best xmas - it's a wonderful life If you had best western - hands down, the wild bunch
Best animated film is Despicable Me by far!!! Best comedy? Bad Grandpa! My favourite film has to be The Dark Knight Rises (BANE!!!) the best horror film is obviously the spongebob movie though
I second spongebob as being the scariest movie, I pee peed my panties when I watched it /).(\ Best : guardians of the galaxy Animation : any studio ghibli movie Comedy : grownups 2
Guardians of the galaxy has good ratings, but iv never took time to watch it because the plot makes it sound like a 5 year olds film haha, I might take the time to watch it now though! And grown ups 1 is better than 2 hehe