Never tangled with Val, but he's a good dude. Belle, inter, Assiss, iG, AG, Protake, and a slough of others have followed me from anywhere from 2-18 months. Some folks have gone crazy and hunted me 2 years out of sheer crazy.... That said, I can't blame them. I can hold a grudge when fights get personal, but Val is/was an animal Ven is not the guy you want to beg. OG farmers, Towel was my guy. I'd just turn him loose and watch the carnage. It was impressive.
I think this list in reality should be most publicized farmers. Theres a lot of people that do nothing but that just isnt talked about much
I agree. There are plenty of farmers who don't speak up or flame out on wc or bring their feuds to forums that seldom get recognized for their efforts.
honestly think it's sad you spend so much time on this game that you have so many alts.. NO LIFE? mist feel real big and bad on tap tap game