best farmers

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by Clyde, May 12, 2015.

  1. Than you will starve. I farm for a living.
  2. This is a farmer thread? Why is frog and inferno on it?
  3. Well now that you've noobed it up with your idiocy, who knows what it is.

  4. Cry more please. You changed your tune fast since your first post on the thread. Victim.
  5. Inferno, you still want to split the money that you'll be receiving?
  6. I'm more of a victim of 40m cs att builds from the clans that I'm in osw with, than I am with you.
  7. DirtyLarry is the greatest farmer that has ever lived
    He is the greatest KAW'er that has ever lived
    And he is living now!
  8. I support chubby.
  9. That's what I was pointing out....
  10. 
  11. Support
  12. Zaft are the best farmers
  13. I'd have to say Dark_-MaGiC-_ is the best farmer.
  14. No support
  15. Yep. So what's your point ?
  16. Point is, val is illuminati... So we should eat frogs
  17. Oh my god why am I always forgotten?!? Taking on entire clans and alliances simultaneously multiple times using only one account means nothing :lol:
  18. My owner, he's sneaky. Most don't even know it's him 
  19. I heard Val is a good Farmer
    *sunface emoji*