Best build for wars?

Discussion in 'Wars' started by xXArgusXx, Jan 15, 2015.

  1. Deutschland is #8 Ally lb. We don't all have that privilege
  2. With current lands 5m of each tower is a minimum for most larger clans for att. I prefer having hybrid mechanism. For ps the best is to have 2 to 2.5m sdt. Most primal wars its best to keep han mechanism for wars (ps1). Each build has it drawl back
  3. Since you are just starting out in my opinion you can go either route pure spy with one troop building , or hybrid(25% spy building, towered lands are not counted neither is ur castle) hybrid makes it so u can still plunder if the enemy has hansels, a small attack build has a very hard time plundering in wars due to the amount of adt most have. Also what cloud wrote is very accurate also.
  4. Pure spies are more flies. Just ignore and swat once in awhile, they do no damage. Now a hansel, a hansel can generate funds and strip you without fear of being cleaned out later as an osf
  5. How does one build a PlayStation 1?
  6. Bull.
    No build is the deadliest.
    Bringing down a ps is easy, unless the towers are above 5mil.
    You don't see that normally. A ps also leaks the most if it has gold out. It can hit anyone? Strip it once and anyone can hit it.
    "No build is the best.
    It's the team that matters."
    Philabuster (leader of AEON) said that. I agree.
    Go fill your roster with PS. Tell me how mch were you able to plunder :D
    In osw too, PS can do damage. No allies, no gold. But as someone said above, in osw those who go ps usually are not the most active ones.
    Besides, scout is the most easiest action. A single guy can pin a PS by SB's constantly.