Best Build for war?

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by IlIElITlIHIlAlINlIl, Sep 5, 2013.

  1. i like ayiraa att build with some spy and 2.8 mil spy tower
  2. Hmm 3 year? Never the less... Hansel with towers
  3. Not many clans will let you ee without towers though..
  4. Ethan don't be a douche. People are helping and he isn't a idiot. Don't ball him that ok? (;
  5. Mines the best.;)
  6. Towers, towers, and some static stats buildings.

    Plus equipment
  7. if uve been playing for 3 years, and have mulitipul accounts then let your main buy the account ur using rigt now. And playing 3 years u should no there is no "Best build", you could always RedStar it and become stronger than than everyone else thats played this game by buying trillions worth of allies.
  8. Sorry for horrible english
    -Lifes to short to worry about the little mistakes