Best Author Voting Thread 1

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by Warry_the_Penguin, May 27, 2013.

  1. 1) V
    2) I
    3) III
  2. Tough………… but i am going with

  3. Need more to vote for me XD
  4. I vote for Lil_Tiger
  5. 1) VI
    2) I
    3) IV
  6. Best author of what? Stories?
  7. 1) VII
    2) I
    3) V
  8. Can I vote twice... For Warry? ;) XD
  9. :(

    I thought this was gonna be like, real authors....

    My nerd dreams have been crushed....

    I voteKathryn Lasky :cool:
  10. 1) VIII
    2) II
    3) VI
  11. Can I vote for myself? xD