I was original black hand. Back when dis and BT were running things and we had white hand with wipindawheezy and cheezey and it was soo much fun . We did whatever we wanted whenever we wanted . At that time everyone still followed the stupid 5 hit rule so we just unloaded on anyone and everyone that wound us up And pretty much started the trend of having people write forum apology threads in order to get of the farm list. I think for years there wasnt a single day that went by without one it got to the point it became a joke . People were like oh look another bh apology thread. Best memories is when we went to Gaw and took on zaft and infinitas eventually leading on to the BiG alliance or the IG zaft war as most people know it. The kaw forums erupted with thread after thread debating wether the war would spill over from Gaw to kaw and it eventually did . I finished up in kotfe where we finally crumpled the mighty zaft . By this time kaw was boring and changing so much so I quit for years . Just came back like 3 days ago and now I'm just a tiny little noob . The stat differences now are immense and Ive lost contact with everyone but will never forget the kaw memories we had . Nice to see there are still a few people still around . Guess nothing to do now but eb fairy up and get my stats up lol .