Belle's Brilliant War Move on Tatsugin

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by The_Philosopher, Jan 12, 2013.

  1. Maybe Tats didn't contact the formerly known as Moose mod because he was more interested to know if Belle was online? Just saying
  2. It would b foolish to think Belle would put the enemies needs above her clans & allies needs. Foolish people r the first to die in war & usually getting there comrades killed in the process.

  3. There are only 3 pictures, not 4. they are now in chonological order. Since I already explained two times why I left out the middle one, I'm not going to explain it again here. please read carefully.

    Also considering I spent most of the thread praising her shrewdness, how can I be causing riots against her. Try not to impose half-baked conspiracy theories on me. ty.

  4. The move tatsugin is a move I would have pulled. I would so ask a enemy mod for a favor lol but I wouldn't really trust them as to see how they act. But in such note when speaking to a enemy always be careful when u pm, pms are time stamped so a quick pm isn't normally a bright move. Now seems she did lie about speaking to the Devs that was pointless lie.
  5. the moral of the story is be careful who you follow. LeT's not get too off the topic from that.
  6. Brilliant not dirty purely brilliant
  7. Vasia might want to get some cream for that butthurt  all's fair in war
  8. @op, my bad you are correct.
  9. I believe there was a pretty significant conflict of interest.

    That line of communication was opened in trust and for support purposes outside of this war and to a moderator, not an opponent. That same line was then used to confirm he wasn't around to strip him... She even used the topic he approached her for help with .

    That being said, should have unfollowed and blocked her afterward, an expensive lesson.

    Kind of really showed her stripes and what / where she draws the line between moderation and playing the game.
  10. I would be interested in what other moderators thoughts are.
  11. Um weez mods first and foremost play the game  just like the rest of us
  12. No doubt, but tat approached a mod for mod assistance. This is like calling your ISP for tech support and the dude on the phone plants a Trojan on your computer.
  13. And other mods aren't gonna touch this thread with a 10 foot pole.

    This particular incident can be perceived 200 different ways. It's all a matter of perspective and morals / values.

    To me (personally) I don't think this was the best way to see if he was active. Some people use different methods to check if awake (test ally hire ) or "Sweet dreams" on their wall etc... This is just not a method I condone.
  14. Where does she say she emailed ATA?

    If she lied about that then this accusation is legit. I don't see that yet in the photos.
  15. Maybe if tech support called your house no answer they'd come and rob you, stuff like this happens all the time
  16. Philosopher The moral of the story don't believe everything u read. U selectively pasted information to make a moronic story who only an idiot would buy. Once u were caught with the pants on ur ankles u blame pc and phone for oversight. Then ppl start throwing tomoatoes at u, u thought it was no big deal. U should post a sincere apology to everyone for ur role is this drama.

    Oooo And PM my uncle in Nigeria has a 2m dollar he wants to cash of course he says it is real. What idiots!!!!
  17. @ Swabia - Accepting what OP said as truth and that he's done due diligence in confirming that tat approached ATA and got a negative return about belle's inquisition, I agree with you.
  18. Really -there is more spin and propaganda out of ig and BH than out of Washington DC. Please why would TAT go to mods that you declared war on when plenty of others are available to help you- hmmmm its not rocket science to figure that one out. Guess they need everyones pity hence leaking the screen shots. Hmmmm