Belle's Brilliant War Move on Tatsugin

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by The_Philosopher, Jan 12, 2013.

  1. By the looks of it, tatsugin still has wellover 4T still in allies. Curious?
  2. I dont see why people keep demanding ss of tat's email. Are people too stupid to realize that emails sometimes contain personal information that doesnt need to be shared? Use common sense people!
  3. Given the personal nature of the email, I suggested to tatsugin to not release it yet.

    Belle has the right to reply and deny the accusation. Thus far she has not done so.
  4. Fear are you stupid enough to believe everything on forums without proof?

  5. Agreed. Fact is that tat is now quite embarrassed by all this attention and does not want his mail posted. Who am I to post it? It's his decision. If you want to believe tat is lying about the mail, be my guest. Personally, I agree with altitude. belle has the right to use a pm as a war tactic if she wants. What she says in that particular pm is irrelevant. It got the job done either way.
  6. Blackfando, are you so illiterate that you cannot read what I posted? Where did I say That I believed it? Nowhere. My opinion is the same as Brood. If Belle actually sent a note in, wouldnt she come here and puvlicly deny it? I rest my case
  7. @blackfando (aka belle's alt)

    The third ss showing the pm just minutes before her clan helped strip tat is proof enough. Also, other than name calling, nothing has been presented by belle or anyone that belle had contacted ATA.
  8. Also please note in the original post my use of the word "Apparently", it allows the possibility that Tat is lying and belle is not. Until a comment is released, this particular point is tat's word against belles. However, since belle has not yet come forth to publically deny it, I am tempted to believe tat's version is true.

    Having said that, however, who cares? It was a brilliant war strategy. Incredibly cold, but brilliant.
  9. I can guarantee you I ain't belles alt! Ive posted pics of myself on forums!!

    Fear, I didn't say you did or didn't believe whats on forums, I asked you a question.

    You can censor a picture of an e-mail and block out what you don't want people to see!

    This all comes down to what you can prove, can you all prove belle didn't sent a note to ATA?

    No, you can't! You have half a story and rolling with it! Thats all i'm saying! I prefer to make an educated decision instead of jumping to ill informed conclusions! If Belle is guilty she should lose mod status, if not, she deserves an apology!
  10. The KAW soap opera continues. There are two certainties involved here.

    • 1. Bellemorte doesn't give a ****.

      2. If Belle has proof, she is not allowed to post it here, as it violates her promise to ATA to keep her coversations with them private. But we forget rule 1...

    She doesn't give a ****.

    Tat got beat. 100% Sucks, but Belle once again proves she is a better player than she is a mod.
  11. Fear, just re-read what I wrote at you the first time, sorry, didn't mean to sound as harsh as it does!
  12. All these wonderful alts gracing my thread with their presence.
  13. I already answeeed your question. I don't. I don't believe Belle because she has a history of breaking rules (e.g. Accusing a player publicly about botting without proof). And since she hasn't denied this accusation, it really makes me wonder if she really lied or not. My two cents. 
  14. Very clever, some may say Genius
  15. I weep for tat like seriously oh no I lost 4 trill in allies, get over it, it's a game let this thread die all you whiners
  16. your an ass :D go hump a leg.