@swadger Plus 5 swag for originality Minus 3 swag for yolo comment. Yolo has now become mainstream, thus no longer swagalicious Plus 7 swag for pulling a fiddler and requesting everyone leave your thread while shamelessly bumping it Minus 10 swag for suggesting i am swagless. #liarliarpantsonfire ## #imabelieber
:roll: Like Tom hanks in Philadelphia? Or Jared from subway? Or are you like Eric Cartman?? You're not only sure, but you're also HIV positive? :lol: #hastagsareplayedoutpleasetryagainaidsjokesarentfunnyoraretheynow?
My mind is hurting from all the swag... SWAG OVERLOAD!!! SWAG OVERLOAD!!! ABORT ABORT ABOOOOoooorrrrrrrtttstststtssssssss.....