Being framed to funding Yafi in their stripping of Osiris

Discussion in 'Wars' started by vedderkill, Oct 23, 2012.

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  1. Ahhh Inter again :lol:

    I have heard of his legendary ability to turn rights to wrongs and black to white. :shock:

    It was rumoured that he was the one who persuaded ZAFT to break CF on judgment in the past so that we won't join yafi against them. Apparently from having talked with many ZAFT friends, someone who was very "sure" told them we would break CF, that's why they took action first.
    Just a rumour, no guarantees true or not :oops:
  2. I'm interested. What's is OS-Ncks doing for Osiris? Watching and superficially helping to make the rest of Os think he is a great help?
  3. Inter again... Isn't he the one they call the BIGGEST COWARD IN KAW?
  4. I have friends on both sides and I feel this is a complete waste of time if u have proof then show it don't brag saying u do then hold back on everybody else at the chance u are wrong?? Like hello it's a war game I'm sure everybody in both clans has funded strips before and will continue to do so but without proving neo did fund the strip 2 clans vs 1 person is over kill tbh how is she ment to fund a 10t strip when the Allie market is dead
  5. I promised myself I wouldn't post on this but let me clear something up. I like to give people the benefit of the doubt, empathise with their RL issues and try to be as fair as possible. I was privy to information which indicated Hlneo funded the recent strip. We waited and even invited a messenger from Hlneo to talk. That person CONFIRMED in our cc that HLNEO coincidentally purchased the 7t worth of allies.
    So rather than all the trolls, popcorn eating bystanders and fake trash talking alts going ' we want ss, we want ss' think and research before posting nonsense. Do you really think we took a list of LB, closed our eyes and pointed to one? Get real. Ask yourself two things - why on earth would a LB player be running mith if she's never on ( before we started hitting her )and why on earth would a LB create a 'woe is me' thread?
    There is a LOT more which I won't divulge as its confidential for the Osiris clan.
    Honestly ? I personally have no issue with A n D, but the fact is Hlneo got busted.
  6. Jb better keept u promis -.- u never say anything usefull anyway
  7. We never sent any messengers there...That's a lie bud

    If she was "busted", post facts and expose her as a liar...That's all we asking for

    As of now, you guys got all of KaW looking at you, waiting on proof...We want proof also, show us that we're protecting a liar...

    Or you can't?? Are you following that piece of convo Inter has?? I have the full convo if you need to see it bro...

    We had no issues with AAH nor Osiris...A 7.5tril strip, and no one can trace allies to her, but she did it?? They magically disappeared, right?? Hlneo must be Houdini 
  8. Noooooo apple don't question my intelligence or say I'm stupid..I will feel sad...
  9. Osiris you are a completely clan of liars and jokers. I am still can't stop laughing at your denial of truth that your clan can get stripped.

    Stop thinking so highly of yourself and face the truth. A few lb makes your clan invincible?

    Strip will not stop on your clan. AAH, having comfortable time now? Lmao
  10. This is just getting more and more embarrassing by the minute. Does Os have any leaders left in their clan to take control?!? It's a shame as i look at other threads and many people mention how legendary Os was as a war clan. Than u get the likes of of jb and postal that ruin that status almost over night. Weak leadership, accumulative lies, finger pointing on ur own clan mates... It's only a matter if time before the empire crumbles. What a sad story.
  11. Yo JB, there you are... Finally ... I was wondering where you were... That's one lengthy post you have there... Let me see if I can summarize:
    1. You are privy to information that Neo funded the strip (which presumably no one else has);
    2. You waited and invited a MESSENGER (is this person some James Bond like character?);
    3. The Messenger confirmed in your cc that Neo coincidentally bought allies for 7T (again no one else has seen this);
    4. Neo ran Mith before your clan started farming her;
    5. Neo posted a 'Woe is me' thread;
    6. You have a LOT more information that you can't divulge; and therefore Osiris ( with the gentle persuasion on a certain shady character called Inter - also from a James Bond flick I presume) have determined that Neo funded the strip and all 3 clans farmed her.

    Therefore, based on your logic, any LB player (would this also apply to non LB players?) that buys allies, runs Mith, posts a 'woe is me' thread (even though this happens later) is funding strips as long as you can get a Messenger (you don't need to disclose who the Messenger is) to confirm on your CC that the player coincidentally bought allies for a sum close to the strip amount.

    As such, are you proposing that LB players (what about other players?) do not:
    1. Buy allies
    2. Run Mith
    3. Post Woe is Me threads?

    Can I ask what sort or medication (or other stimulants - alcoholic or otherwise) you are taking?
  12. Wow a lot of Yafi posting and in perfect English too - anyone would think they were trying to deflect from something......... 

    Kentona ( AnD ) came into our clan yesterday and told us that. Are you all saying she's lying, why would she? Unless you're all going to make her your scapegoat?

    Busted 
  13. Sorry Locksley I nodded off reading your post. I'm not even sure if such moronic drivel warrants a reply but I'll humour you.
    If I'm privy to information why would you presume no one else is? That's just a head scratcher. I'm totally baffled at your linking of a messenger to James Bond ( you know he was a spy right ? ) I never mentioned a spy, Kentona came on behalf of Hlneo. 
    Why are Yafi so concerned in seeing proof, if they a certain it's not true, why bother?
    Finally, cos I'm really getting bored now, I never said people can't run mith but here's my question, why would a player who claims to be rarely on ( she told us that herself ) use green mith? Doesn't make any sense.
    Then again the amount of manic Yafi posts on here doesn't make sense either - unless it's true !!

    Homework people 
  14. Wow that was fast JB... U sitting around waiting for forum posts? What are you, some kind of forum warrior?

    Hmmm, writing in good (not perfect mind you) English equates to deflecting from something on your mind? Is this the same kinda logic you used in your previous post?

    Speaking of deflecting, you didn't answer my post... Or are you deflecting something here?
  15. Locksley Locksley Locksley , mr pot burner. Rather than try to make something up just read what I said. If you wish I could get it translated for you?
    I said , and I'll say it again for the simple to understand, the amount of Yafi posts might make people think your deflecting.
    I think you'll find I also replied. Just out of curiosity, if replying quick makes me a forum warrior in your humble opinion, does that include yourself ? 
    Another moronic post mate? Seriously you should stop 
  16. Lol yafi all you guys come out with lies just bring up the past telling all your lies I don't care what you say this is a game I don't care what any one thinks of me I don't no you. You don't no me you just stay dtw all day and keep talking here like you all ways do. Get life 
  17. Domino, no one care about you. Seriously I mean seriously. Lol you are the worst warrior I ever seen
  18. Awww JB or is it BJ? You getting upset mate? Your posts sound even more confusing now. Try and take deep breaths between sentences... Don't want you getting a medical condition.. 

    Can you stop contradicting yourself? What exactly are you saying... That YAFI is deflecting something? Lol ... It boils down to what credible proof you have .. Other than 'he said, she said' you haven't presented anything here ... Lol

    By the way, that forum warrior thingy seems to have gotten under your skin ... 

  19. Lol doesn't get under my skin at all, hypocrisy never does. Just pointing out you called me something due to the speed of my reply though I'm pretty sure you replied quicker!! 
    Another Yafi embarrassment - keep up the good work, you're making this easy 

    Yafi report card - must try harder 
  20. I dun know why you guys trying. I doubt YAFI actually care since they have nothing too loose,

    If they warred zaft for a year how Long will they go with Os and AAH?
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