Being destroyed by Last Rights oh noes!

Discussion in 'Wars' started by ddhleigh, Jan 7, 2014.

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  1. Well...this escalated quickly
  2. Guys. Please leave that cancer subject out if this thread. We don't have to like each other but there is a level you don't go to in game or not.

    So once again if you want to talk about cancer or whatever that's related make another thread or PM the person.
  3. Yes let's talk about having a small sexual organ.
  4. Nivans will be the topic
  5. Agreed.
  6. Lol these guys think they're badasses.
  7. The proper fighters 
  8. 1) @ Pup the challenge was for AFTER the OSW. Read Sug's post
    2) @ Carnage - every village needs an idiot , seems it's your job this week.
  9. in reply to carnage.. and along with dd, at the end of the day folks this is a game. like i said earlier this is just an avenue of war, exposure. AG, fought a tremendous battle and won. anyone that makes fun of that is right up there with druss and tenaka. if any one of us had the same shoe on our foot, im sure we would be just as proud to display that in our banner. contrary to my posts earlier of keeping this relevant. i said congrats to Applegirl as a jesture of sportsmanship. its only a game guys... cancer is real. show a bit of poise
  10. @king of terror- skyblue was not hit or dragged in. No Rulez spun that to make it seems as if she was hit when she was not

    You also state that LR is much bigger than NR. We are ranked 201 with our top 20 lb in clan. So... Erm. Yeah. We are HUGE. Please think before you speak

    As for being more experienced, yes we are however- no rulez (pleaae dont make me quote all of their comments again) believes that we are washed up, bad at osw, and that we nedd to be exposed for what we are and ebd put to our big mouths. Further, no rulez has stated (nr_stink_nr pg 15) that they are already owning us.

    Therefore, as LR is not putting any focus on No Rulez as it does not further the war efforts, we would like to extend them the opportunity to prove their claims in an environment in which LR can truly be at war with them

    Not only do we extend this offer to a clan who has stated numerous times that we are <see above> no good at osw amd being owmed by them, but we challenge them We dare them, we IMPLORE them to accept a clan vs clan war.

    As we are not "a lot bigger" than NR, as you tried to state and NR believes we arw no good at osw, thetr should be nothing barrinf them from accepting our challenge

    Well, except the truth- you know- that we would destroy them in a 1v1 war where our attention was focused solely on them.

    @pup- thx for some of the things you said. I appreciate them and even though we have bern enemies for, like, ever- you have always been cool

    I do disagree with what yoi said about just focusing on NR now. They are not a priority clan and it would be selfish of LR to lose focus on the end goal of the alliance solely to destroy no rulez.

    You know from past experience (after the wdgaf/ig cf) thst wdgaf will stay out of any LR 1v1 and ig/og extemded black hand the same courtesy when we mutually chose to 1v1.

    During the ig war, black hand was not a prioriry either but LR and bh both needed to continue to flesh out our differences.

    I can promise that wdgaf will extend the same courtesy as in the LR/BH 1vs1 to no rulez.

    So please, accept our challenge NR. We suck at osw. We need to be shown our place please do that for us!
  11. Again, apologize for all spelling errors. My poor key pad is mussed up
  12. lmao i miss her in forums
  13. hey check it out folks. hellsbells saying the same thing with different words. nice monolog bud. u right up there with leonard nemoy. i wonder if anyones actually gonna read the whole thing. after all that effort u still havent figured out the essence of this forum.
  14. Op you are not any better yourself, since u go on forum and post 'HEY EVERYONE LOOK HOW STUPID THEY ARE ' xD
  15. OWN YOU!!!!!

  16. Berzerk, who is spinning stuff now? That's a straight challenge there,and your reply is basically "this guy keeps saying the same thing"

    Ya, when you continuely avoid a question, people tend to keep asking.
  17. Let me answer the question. LR want NR to 1 v 1 outside of any current osw alliances. we'd be foolish to accept that for one primary reason...SUGAH

    i am NRs biggest acct. ranked around 1700 overall with NO bfa. Sugah is top 20. waste of time for any of us to hit.

    And LR have access to resources that NR don't as a result of Sugah and their other alliances, i.e. regulators

    current bunch of clowns, minus sugah and the obvious outside support they will garner, would be a different story.

    we like the current arrangement just fine.
  18. tnt... he is still spinning.. i am not here to talk 1v1 and he is not really obliged to be either. he is a low ranking nobody... to reply to him would be like talkin to a house pet. im good. you and him are both trying to derail the thread and thats fine. continue on with your butt hurt. and since i asked you to post my wall and you did not reply to my challenge earlier other then a cowards forked tongue answer, you have nothing to say here either, go on and take your broke self back home and go about your day. this is my last reaponse to you or hellsbells.. unless you have anything valid, pertaining to what the original thread is about, you will get no further response..
  19. Rob so what you're saying is that it's okay for your members to sit here and call them washed up, broke, and talk about how you guys are kicking their butts...but you're afraid to test those theorys without the entirety of UC/OG/APOC backing you up.

    Sounds legit....
  20. Not defending last rights, but we fought them for ever at BH and I don't ever recall them gettin outside help
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