Being destroyed by Last Rights oh noes!

Discussion in 'Wars' started by ddhleigh, Jan 7, 2014.

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  1. so would that indicate then that ireg is just a big eb fairy by your logic? shame on you for calling down all those better then you. :)
  2. Okay so i can't do fancy quotes but... Ask and ye shall receive:

    Pg 3: nr_newolympic_nr: "guess we r educating u at osw"

    Response: please accept our challenge to a clan v clan war after the current one so you can educate us some more

    Pg 2: berserk: "you guys are jokes"

    Response: please accept our challenge. As we are jokes, it should be no issue for you to take us on your own.

    Pg 6: new olympic: LR need to be exposed for what they are and an end put to they're big mouths

    Response: wow. So much bad grammar in such a short sentence! Please accept our challenge and expose us for what we are qbd put an end to us.

    Pg 6- new olympic- no rulez have already givem them credit for being a ee clan. They really suck at osw though

    Reaponse: you are so right. LR really wants to get back to dominating the ee scene, however, we are willing to put that off and challenge no rulez to clan vs clan osw. Since we suck so bad, why won't you accept?

    I could keep going... But is that really necessary?

    Either admit that your statements concerning LR are fallacious and you are scared to meey us on the battlefield 1v1 or accept.

    You want to educate us? Please do!

    We suck at osw? Then this should be easy as pie for you!

    We need to be exposed for what we are? Well, show us then!

    If you want to talk the talk, you need to walk the walk instead of coattailing on the back of 25 other bigger better clans who have priority in the war.... Otherwise, you are all just embarassing yourselves more and more with each post.

    I'd suggest y'all request a lock fast because this is only going to get worse for you the longer you shirk our challenge.
  3. oh snap.... your still talking? jeeze i thought u were done a while ago
  4. hellsbells.. all.of these are irrelevant to THE FORUM please provide the quote where it states this forum is about us being better then Last rights.UNTIL then pls continue with your colouring book i provided you. everything you are providing PROVES that LR is trying to derail what thia forum is about.
  5. which is your members, tenaka and a few others were very distasteful, claiming they are war lords and what have you, while threatening non related members like a bunch of knuckle draggers. so thank you for continually extending this thread prooving that even more LR members are condoning their actions.. which is completely discrediting themselves as being true warriora..
  6. nothing that you or tnt are going to say here is going to shine anymore light on the subject. the screen shots are there to show what kind of rubbage your clan obviously condones. there is all types to war. there is propaganda, there is smack talk, and there is exposure. welcome to one you bunch havent aeen before. but have faith in the fact thaybif u try to pull that crap again, we will expose it. if you want to war, then war. if not, CF and go about ur day
  7. what challenge? we are right here, hitting you knuckleheads all day every day. leave your ebs alone for a minute and show us your impressive osw skills. so far that has been assassinate, assassinate, assassinate.

    and never keep me pinned for more than a regen?

    we own you already. and we are a bunch of eb fairies.

  8. Isn't LR already in a losing osw? They want more people on them? so what their 10 active accounts can have more people to stare at as LR doesn't give inc to anyone? You're wasting your time trying to save your credibility. LR is a washed up clan that thinks they can osw , So similar to Reg's but even Reg's are better than LR, as a handful of Reg's actually return inc. I chuckle whenever a LR member tries to talk trash, as we all know that's all they can do, talk.

    Good Day :roll:

    Edit* : Sugah only real one in LR, She/he ( not positive which you are, not meant as an insult ) only one ive EVER seen in my cc or ever heard of giving any inc. But like I said, the rest are a joke.
  9. i forgot to mention the occassional mp or inactive strip. those are awesome too.

    thanks for schooling us!!!

  10. I don't see why continue with this clan v clan fiasco.

    You both have the opportunity to target each other. So what you may get a few hits from others involved? That just makes it more fun. Whack each other and strip each other. Then you have your clan v clan without an official chest thumping ball of garbage that's been goin on for the last 8 pages.

    This reminds me of when a certain forumer told the same person to apologize or he would hit them for 6 pages and then never ended up hitting. Just make the war fun 

    GL to everyone still fighting.
  11. If I wanted to, I could kick you right off your "look at the distasteful wall posts " high horse.

    I could show you over a hundred screenshots of what YOUR side of this OSW believes is appropriate war banter. They make the instigating Druss was doing look like child's play.

    I'm not going to go there and start posting a bunch of SS. You know what I'm referring to anyways.

    Now come on - accept the LR v No Rules OSW challenge. 
  12. BTW - Oli - you must only speak for yourself. I'm in the newsfeed of targets all day long. ️But nice try.
  13. Oli atk 1/1 and surprise ....dtw
  14. Havent been on for the past hour, only 1 inc?

    Thanks for proving me right :lol:
  15. Can't believe your still on the whole
    "Accept our clan v clan osw, while we are already in osw" kick.

    Just whack away. Not sure how ZAFT motto is whack first then talk and yours is
    Talk first then still talk. 

    Anyway back to my target
  16. I just got a few things to get off my chest, then i will get off this thread.

    1) It's sad to see an account like skyblue who is obviously not interested in your little fight to get dragged in. I never supported hitting someone who doesn't want a fight. We all have different playing styles. Let the eb players do their thing and let the war players do their thing.

    2) LR is much more experienced and a lot bigger then NR. So nice of you guys to challenge them.  I am sure you guys look real tough right now.

    3) i also do agree that out of the whole wdgaf alliance LR has always had the loudest mouth. Not to mention the rudest being on walls or forums.

    This forum thread did make me realize what asses LR. And for that i am glad we are still in war with this alliance. Fight till the end is how i see it. One alliance falls at the end.

    Now to see this parody :p

    OG Alliance
  17. Apple why would you even tell people you have cancer on a tap tap game?
  18. Carnage, why are you bringing this up again? I'm sure she is sick and tired if Being harassed about it every time she is in forums. Shut up and go back to your Ebs.
  19. Pup who the hell are you anyway? I'm just asking a casual question, not harassing?
  20. She's been asked and answered the question tons of times.

    Who the hell am I? I'm a bystander in the other side of the war who doesn't understand why everyone has to question her about her illness. I'm sure her purpose here was to answer everyone's question over and over. Just leave her alone about it before you start a big drama thing about her illness like every other thread she posts on.
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