Being destroyed by Last Rights oh noes!

Discussion in 'Wars' started by ddhleigh, Jan 7, 2014.

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  1. New- it is. Your oG alliance in the first place and LR are WDGAF. You can technically just go into a 1v1 right now
  2. Lets point out for the audience that TNT is a reg and an LR ally, so the spin is to be expected.
    I too am a max plunder ally holder. When we decided to osw thats how i chose to prepare. banked my former trillions in allies into upgrades, pots,
  3. Lol.
    I've been warring LR since the very first BH vs LR war starting late January (maybe early feb) of 2013.

    My fighting with LR was constant between jan and early September which is when the final BH vs LR ended.

    Although I personally haven't been assigned to LR in this most recent war, nobody can deny the fact that they have some good warriors, and a few noobs. Every clan had a few noobs though.

    Not respecting LR's ability to osw despite them proving it is nothing short of arrogance. They have earned their place as an osw clan and I am glad I've been able to fight with them for so long.

    Respect to the enemies still fighting  threads like these aren't needed IMO. I believe in banter on threads, but not threads with the intent ridiculing each other.
  4. yep, buy upgrades that cant be stolen.. but of course comming from a Reg.. you want to have all those allies to be stripped then by all means. but i will take note not to take advice from you "tnt"
  5. and bars.
    i call that smart.
    it protects the years of investment ive got in the game while still allowing me to be a formidable nuisance to most in LR as and when i choose without fear of loss.
  6. they ridiculed themselves. we have made no false allogations and have the proof on board. as newo stated earlier we had respect for certain LR members. However that does not take away from their actions here which is what this thread is about.
  7. Someone pm me if a definitive yes comes up 
  8. sugah, did you not read his reply? he gave you a response.
  9. I didn't say any yes or no to clan v clan just sayin
  10. Thanx val. It kinda is a 1 v 1 ATM. But sugah is asking for 1 v 1 after this war ends. As u rightly pointed out we r part of the og alliance n as such will do what's right for the alliance. Not to mention that we consider LR to have little to no honour. I'm sure it would be NR against wdgaf alliance n og would then feel the need to help a family clan n the war would be back on. Sugar is a little hurt n that's understandable.
  11. @ddleigh- what you have done is made a butthurt thread because a clan you are in osw with smack talked your member and owned him on his wall.

    That's embarassing to your clan and to your alliance.

    Next- to the no rulez idiots who are chest thumping because they hit LR during an osw that they joined

    Congratulations. You learned how to press buttons. Do you think your minimal incoming even remotely bothers us? Do you think that you have, in ane way, hindered us from stripping and hitting and destroying our real targets?

    No You haven't.

    We ignore you guys as noobs who are a non threat.

    When we are bored, we may rile you guys up with wall banter because you are all such nubs that you make butthurt threads and rage at us.

    You all are an amusement. Tnat is all.

    Next, @ new olympic- last rights has challenged no rulez to a clan vs clan osw at the conclusion of the currenr osw.

    Do not worry about re-involving alliances.

    LR did the same thing with black hand at the conclusion of the Wdgaf/IG war.

    Both sides of the alliamce agreed to offer no help to either clan and to just let us fight it out.

    So- if you truly believe that No Rulez is a bad ass war clan that can take LR on amd win, LR challenges you to put ypur money where your mouth is.

    No Rulez isn't even on a target list for us. Amd you are all already noob raging in forums.

    I think it will be fun. And a really good lesson for you guys to learn.

    So. Please. Accept our challenge.

    Clan vs Clan. No outside help. No merc'ing rosters. Just Last Rights and No Rulez at the conclusiom of the current osw.
  12. Apologies for the typing errors
  13. I'm offering you the opportunity to prove yourselves and backup what you're claiming. LR has done plenty clan 1v1 and we are inviting you to do so.

    Don't drag me into your other nonsense with baseless slander trying to redirect the question. I play a game I enjoy and am challenging NR to do the same.

    I'd be happy if you would say yes 
  14. @hells bells... did u actually read the original forum? or were you just looking at comments? pretty sure what the forum shows, is exactly what we have stated.. only to be smoke screened by a few embarrassed lr members.. its understandable. i would be embarrassed if one of our members was threatening your owner, after claiming to be "the war clan of kaw" as per tenaka on my wall.. so again unless your going to.keep the forum relevant go back to your colouring book.
  15. truely the fact that you are defence of such actions... makes you juat as bad.
  16. @berserk- tenaka did not hit fred's owner. He threatened to because you guys are funny nubs that are easy to rile up.

    I understand that you are all nubs who take everything super cereal, however, what everyone else sees is a last rights member trolling away and causing major butt hurt amongst your clan without ever even having to waste time targetting you guys in the way we would if we considered you a real part of this war rather than tagalong whimps who are too scared to fight us on their own.

    I feel sad for og that they accepted such sad little nubs into their alliance who are scared to 1vs1 us but willing to make rage forum threads without comprehending the basuc tenant of "smack talk"
  17. Lmao who ca he'll is norulez
  18. lol @ hellsbells. you mean the same guy we stripped last night right? Tenaka? oh yah him.. oh okay. you replying here in defence of their stupidity shows the true butt hurt.. your deflection and sarcasm is the recourse of a weak mind my friend. reply all you would like but i will not cotend to a battle of wits with someone who is ill prepared.
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