Being destroyed by Last Rights oh noes!

Discussion in 'Wars' started by ddhleigh, Jan 7, 2014.

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  1. You're right pup. Rob can use the excuse of their ability to get outside help all he wants, but it is just an excuse. Grasping at straws, when history has shown their ability to fight alone.
  2. tbh like rob said. a 1 v 1 would prove that only larger accounts take money from smaller.. this osw has proven that Lr has not been able to shake a smaller clan in 3 months nearly... essentially the old saying.. actions speak louder than words. in a plunder war they would win. of course they would. that ia not the war we are fighting. and to this point thwy are not winning. ;-)
  3. so keep on talkin.. but hellsbells... ive seen no actions from you... so. your all talk. tnt, any timw you feel man enough bro u let me know. you got my link here!
  4. Berzerk, I don't think you get what's happening here. You think they can't shake you guys?! Lol!!! In this large scale war you guys are a insignificant clan that contributes no experience, knowledge, and probably minimal funds. You guys are an annoyance, that is all. With big osw clans like kotfe, hog, and resilience, why would one waste time with you guys?

    You think your big and bag hitting LR, but in actuality you're just a joke whose obviously afraid to osw unless you have backup from bigger alliances.
  5. @robrox- LR has CHALLENGED No RuLez to put their money where their mouth is.

    We are not asking yoi to drop thr current osw.

    We are challenging no rulez to a clan vs clan war at the comclusion of the curremt osw.

    So.... You have declined our challenge becauase we have one leaderboard player.

    Since you have come up with a sad scaredy cat excuse to decline our challenge, i will rearramge the challenge. Sug will not hit your roster She will acceot the 1v1 offer by new olympic and only hit him amd his alt.

    As for your resources excuse, No WDGAF clan will provide any respurces of any kind, including funds, including regulstors

    Let me repeat: no other clan AT ALL will provide help or resources to LR.

    Of course, we will expect the same from you. No help from your alliance either!

    As to your worry about our access to resources via Sug, LR will agree to use NO funds or resources from Sug in the war agsinst No Rulez. All strip funds will come from LR members only minus sug.

    So, i have assuaged all of your fears for warring LR.

    As you have all of these fears, you must br scared to war us straight up.

    I'd be scared too.

    Anyway- this should give you a decided advantage. You will have a larger clan than us with Sug not hitting you all. You have said that we are washed up and bad at osw (even though you arent willing to war us)- so we will give you a handicap.

    Since you guys think you need it- you know- even though we suck and are washed up and no good at osw and you guys are totally owning us... There ya go. A handicap for the hamdicapped 

    What excuse can you come up with next to deny us 
  6. Well that sucks for me 
  7. tnt, hellsbells, pup, and anyone else that is buying into LR spin.

    There is NOTHING between LR and NR but buttons.

  8. There's nothing to 'shake' really. We focus on target clans and funders. It's a big osw so no we're not pulling our resources to a tertiary target who barely hit - that wouldn't be smart but I get the spin they want. It's a moment of glory kind of thing.

    I don't see why I would be pulled out of the 1v1. They knew I was in clan when they made their remarks. Granted I have not given them any attention to speak of but it's not as if they'd miss me on our roster. It was my idea :(
  9. Stink, I'm not "buying into the LR spin" I am still on the other side of the war. (Your side might I add.)

    All I am doing is simply stating my past year worth of experience with them. I am a realist. I speak my mind with as little outside influence as I can add. I take evidence into consideration and I form my own hypothesis. I'm not buying anything.
  10. lol i love the "who barely hit" perhaps we should get your top 20 to post your news feeds daily to disprove your b.s Sug. or do u want us our cc for the battle calls and target calls? and we will post your guys pathetic retaliation from.our news feed? IF this forum was about that i would be all for it.. however it isnt. Lr's comments have been about that and have failed to provide any substantial evidence.
  11. funny but i got to say LR is no epic clan its impossible because you need 10 actives for thatAnd whole kaw know they never shut up in forum why you think there leader is forum banned.They cannot behave like normall people in a 9 game.And yes its a game everyone can press the button and if you have time to press it 18hours a day then they call you a warrior
  12. sorry tnt cant hear you bro.. like your boy Sly your mute here. leave your chirpin to the birds
  13. Oh berzerk good one bro. You can't argue back with intellect so you choose not to reply.

    Don't reply to me. Don't reply to LR's request.

    Why are you on this thread? If I look back, you really havn't even said anything. Lotta talking, but no points that I can see.
  14. blah blah blah.

    When LR get tired of us being in their news they know where we are.

    Thanks for the love taps Sugah. missed you. x
  15. Can't we all just get along
  16. commin from the guy who isnt in LR or NR and has been called out twice... so keep on chirping. tweety bird
  17. Berserk who was that meant towards?
  18. Me? When was I called out twice?
  19. Offer still stands if you actually want to try us on. Everything else is posturing

    It's funny how the haters come out of the woodwork. Tbh I haven't seen Osiris during this osw nor hear about them but in fairness I don't think we were 'assigned' to each other although I'm privy to alliance wide info. In addition they've never warred LR so I'll take James' comment for what it's worth... Jumping in to support his alliance and feeding blind hate based on his 'side'. Easiest thing in the world to do is a dumb forum post which adds no value.

    There are clans who have contributed greatly. There are clans who smack talk.
    There are clans who do both.
    On either side.
    To think differently in an osw of this size is naive or just ignorant.
  20. @tnt, you are not part of nr or lr, and he has been called out twice with nothing more then a smug comment followed by more smoke and mirrors.
    Sug, size is relevant in a 1 v 1, not so much in osw. so tis you being ignorant and not fully reading what ppl here are saying. to be boisturous and try to pull a smaller clan into a 1 vs 1 does not disprove this thread and the fact that the big mouths in your clan are infact just that... big mouths. lets put it this way, you want to face us in a 1 vs 1.. yet we have been hitting u in osw, and we have been getting return fire back, which you cannot deny. and in the few days leading up to this you guys have moat definately ramped up your attacks, and we are still here.. with that being said, what is a 1 vs 1 going to prove other then your hansels can stl more gold from a smaller clan? perhaps a full answer to qhat that accomplish would end this convo. i expect tnt and hellsbells will have something to say.. but really we werent asking them
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