Before all this was created

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by S0L, Dec 17, 2014.

  1. 22k losses?
    ***** please! lol
  2. Speak with your main! (This is pointed at S0L.)
  3. Is only talk with a noob alts

  4. Eb fairy and proud! why don't you grow then? I don't believe I can hit your account
  5. Look who's here, the little ***** that talked **** on WC then went crying like a ******* baby to his alliance when I unloaded a fb on his ass.

    This ***** here guys, is a true example of those I used to fight. ;)
  6. Selfie stopped talking lol. S0L. Seriously, post with your main. Otherwise, all your points are invalid. At least we know who selfie is, so it doesn't matter, but to make claims like the one you made with an alt farming guys less than a tenth your size is not at all impressive. Kinda pathetic actually.
  7. His main is just as useless
  8. NVM selfie is still here. :lol: :lol:
  9. You stupid relic noob. You grew your Kingdom as a plunder war leach. You sad fossil. Do you even know what pvp means noob?
  10. Indeed, but he isn't wearing EE equip, nor does he have the usual SH stats (although tbf none of my accts are small enough to scout him, I'm assuming there's a lot of guilds). I have no issue with that strategy itself.

    I did not imply that you were trying to prove anything.

    But if you feel bad about it, it might just be because you have the mechanical advantage and more experience than the new players in your hit range, which, as selfie mentioned, in increased by BFE/BFA (and frankly outdated anyway).

    So if your asking what people think of new players who won't hit back a target with millions more in BFE, pots, and mith - my thought is good on them. Learning when to pick your battles is part of KaW.
  11. put the name on you main noob
  12. Selfie, I was making a jab at your comment. You seem to think that battle losses count as street creds in KAW. If that is the case, then I think I am the king of the hill here for now. On the other hand, if you do not believe that battle losses are everything, then do not make comments about how many battle losses someone has. At least stay consistent, otherwise you do not sound very smart.
    Anyway, I know you are a good PVPer(skinnyminny), although you do seem to have a bit of a weird tendency to drop builds. Just do not think that battle losses are everything. I just wanted to make this point with this alt of mine lol.
  13. afraid to say the name of your main :)
  14. And no. Ofcourse I do not know anything about PVP. I have played this game for how long now...? lol :lol:
  15. LOBO are you talking about me?
  16. Didn't you drop build fighting Alison, and weren't you supposed to farm her til the end of KaW time?
  17. if so man you are to attack the new
    players then have the courage to say
    the name of your main