Before all this was created

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by S0L, Dec 17, 2014.

  1. Funny how his status says he's not scared of anyone. He dropped build and farms noobs for a reason. Maybe this way he can feel big inside. He's still probably tormented by some player that farmed him and this is his way of escaping it.
  2. Funny how you're talking **** without even knowing. That status message was intended for someone specific, not someone who has farmed me, but someone who used to be a beloved friend. Shut the **** up already. ;)
  3. If you want proof just look at a Kingdom like. -troll_machine-

    This idiot spends his whole life and his parents credit card on kaw . 24/7 in an effort to make him myself more than he really is.

    Bully. Yes
    Sad . Yes
    Pity is the only thing anyone can have for this kind of player, whose parents or spending power is less than his.
  4. I can't really quite grip what you said on this comment with that 2 years badge of yours. I'm not really convince that you really knew how the game was, because judging from your loyalty achievement, it tells me that you started at the beggining of the EB era. That being said, i just think you're just bashing stuff trying to look tough. Unless this is an alt, but until then, grow some stats and talk to me.
  5. Troll has a social life, a girl friend and is his own man ... Where do you get your facts? No offence, just curious
  6. Bet he Waits in wc looking for people who say new need a volley, with grey new player spell. Real tough lol
  7. I'm an alt mate. If you're a veteran, you would've figured it out from the beginning.
  8. Before eb's there were plunder wars. Any moron that claims they had to pvp to grow is lying.

    They hit inactives, or joined pwars which were essentially player created ebs
  9. Keep telling yourself that Damocles and it might come true as a x-mas wish. Noob. Think about it. Really
  10. Fellas on the LB spend ten times more money than Troll mate, if I were you, I'd get your facts straight.

    Calling him a guy with no life is pretty much the same as calling Redstar a dude with no life.

  11. The only problem is that i never gave two shits about who anybody are. And no, i'm not a veteran. I simply started in 2010. '10'ers are old schoolers. '09'ers are veterans. If you're all about hitting players because that is how the game is supposed to be played, care to 1v1?
  12. Back when I played this game 4yrs ago(different account) we had plunder wars as our "EB." But back then, when someone farmed me or others in my clan, we would face them head on and crush them.

    People didn't really care about farming EQ or doing even single HTE possible to do upgrades as the main source of gaining gold was hitting other players, or OSF's

    (For people who don't know the acronym, OSF stands for Open spy farm. They were the people we hit in plunder wars or just for general income.)

    I loved those days, but with the introduction of EBs, this game has grown into something more. It's diversified, creating the EB players and the pvp players.

    While I do miss the old days, I would have changed a thing. ATA is leading this game into the right direction and that's why I've stayed true to this game for so many years️
  13. @Ryder, then why the **** do you bother if I have a 2 year badge, or if I really went through the Pwar days or not.
  14. It was a wild guest. Can we walk the walk now?
  15. You don't see redstar on every forum thread
    Posting in wc
    Spending his time as his social outlet.

    Get your facts straight
  16. this could have been a nice discussion of good sportsmanship n such.
  17. Problem with "farmers" like you is, you only hit noobs who don't hit back.
    Quite whining,grow and hit someone who's in an osw clan
  18. Noobs bragging about farming other Noobs. yawn
  19. My first 1v1, I pretty much ignored the guy figuring he would get bored and I'd be free to be it up again. I was a new recruit at ML at the time, and when the farmer made a thread calling me out, I ignored that too. But Lae, great leader that she is, asked me to leave the clan. Not because I was causing trouble, but because I wasn't acting in a way that reflected well on my new family. I was, at that moment, the weakest link. And I was basically told to tough up or walk. So I did. I left the clan, potted up, and fought him. Was pinned most of the day, but at night id run full pots and give him a few losses, with Lae and Tig coaching me through it. In the end, we called a mutual cf. I apologized to him, he apologized to my new family, and I went back a better kawer than I was, with the best people I've ever met in my almost two years of kawing.

    My point is, some people don't fight back because they have no reason. They have nothing to defend, be it their accounts or the friends they made here, and thus don't have the will to participate in PvP.
  20. I don't wanna bash on them because they decide not to hit back, neither do I take advantage of that. I get bored when they don't hit back, and I move on.