Discussion in 'Wars' started by Bridget_thePOLEdancing-Midget, Jan 15, 2014.

  1. All these haters o.o
    1. It was mentioned the very first thread tht lvls will NOT stack
    2. Ur forgetting u got SoDs, horns, aqua, inferno, and xtal on top of the equip.
    3. 87% is whining bc devs give free stuff... they arent FORCING u to play or participate.

    Have a nice day and let this crybaby thread die :D
  2. Hey Hydra-****, we all have our lil vices. If we choose this arm pit of a game as one, that's our choice. As in any business, they(devs) should listen to their customers, which they obviously don't.
    If you have ignorant replies to this post refer to the bottom of my last post. You can do the same.
  3. You too leisure suit Larry
  4. The only "disappointment" was the off hand, but since i had no off hand, i'm extremely happy that I got one for just grinding moths instead of doing high end EBs and hoping it drops for me.

    I'm a bit annoyed at how hard it is to enchant my weapon to level 10 (i started at level 5), but in saying that, I think it's clever they've done that. Otherwise those that collected 40k moths and received the level 10 wouldn't really be worth it. They could have just stopped at 25k moths, and enchanted it to level 10 lol.

    So I think it's good that they've split the 17k, 25k and 40k moth prizes like that.
  5. Cough cough, butthurt noob cough cough
  6. They're not forcing anyone, but almost every eb pays in moths.
  7. Lol quit comlaining do you realky want the beginging equip lol and obviously the equip was gonna be **** what donyou expect the devs to give us all 60mik stats items lol no duhh and the equip was decent at the 40 k lvl
  8. This game has more cry babies than any game I've ever seen. It's insane. Give me something for nothing. Oh wait they did. Ok. Give me something better for nothing. Give me a lvl 10 season 1 mace for hitting an eb 10x a day. I want a 20/20/20/20 item for pushing repeat action. Whaaaaaaaa!
  9. some people are on their periods
  10. Minas, you have the biggest noob build here. If that's not the pot calling the kettle black.
  11. One of the "bugs" I noticed during the promo is moth drops seemed to have no connection to the amount of effort that went into an EB...guts that came in n had 15 actions got as many, or more, than the guys who had been there for the entire EB. That did not reward, or recognize, effort in the slightest, and in that sense the Moth Promo was a very real disappointment.
  12. Anymore wanna hate, don't do it here, do it in my newsfeed. In here all night
  13. bunch of little girls on their periods cough cough miss melon
  14. Why would you want more equipment for the same slot?
  15. I believe his point is valid.

    why bring out several different sets if it's not possible to collect them. fangs they said in a post that they did stack and you got the previous rewards below that level. but that post was taken down prior to/after rewards were divvied out. granted they can only be equipped in 2 slots. and yeah, it would have possibly gained more of a positive response having a piece for each slot and having them stack so a complete set could be achieved. But that being said. they put HTE as the highest moth dropping/time spent eb, knowing that seal DROPS are about as rare as real snow in the middle of australia, is just a money hungry ploy. disappointing. instead of bringing people together, it tore clans apart because some couldn't run b2b HTE. not to mention those that probably considered killing themselves running b2b NML. (WHY DEVS!!! PICK A BETTER EB).
  16. Point is. some people DID try and did spend money (which is what devs clearly want) and to be left with equip that is better replaced by a t5/6 eb equip?absolutely gutted.

    And for those talking about war equip, had it been worse then war junkies would be up in arms? i disagree... they gave war kingdoms what they begged for in last promo. moth drops from war. so why then, would they be disappointed that they warred to get their moths to get worse equip than what they would normally get using mith etc?

    all i have to say on the topic. either up your game devs and give substantial rewards. 1 horn of bull crap and 1 health crystal does NOT make up for the fact people probably spent more than that on one eb.

  17. Well I gotta say to all the ones going pms on crack loco about the rewards received from this.... well what the hell did you expect, unless your kuzmich it was gonna be crap. Infact speaking of kuz he's who I feel sorry for out of all who bust there ass in these stupid ass promos cause poor dude bust his nutz on fangs got tasty ass equipment to then bust his ass again to get equipment to replace what he bust his for only a month or so ago. The more I see these promos and the epic rage they cause for at least a week after the more I'm glad I took the decision way back in when season 1 was. Announced to go gh. Cause now I got the tasty equipment I need and can focus on growing an chilling with friends although the absolutely ball in vice busting thing about that promo was nml... I mean seriously who was the member of the development team that had had a  day a decided to go all sadistic on the kawmunnity with that one? anyways it's a free to play game op an before you say I know that unless you do xstal you got no chance of kuzmiching it but yous chose to.
  18. I can see where OP is coming from and jeez he made a mistake on not remembering if they stacked like the moths. The equipment given out was ok but very disappointing. Did not live up to all the hype. The best payout on moths was the hte with a couple crystals and surprise surprise it costs rl cash for that. Nml gave out good moths but was no different if you popped a crystal or not. The best way to get the most was to find a clan that did it pretty fast. And those clans had big stat requirements. It was a disappointing promo for the hype. But isnt that life. You gonna have all kinds feedback no matter what. And the enchantment on it is a real frikin joke but oh well haters gonna hate. One more thing @juggerNUT nice save on the red font buddy
  19. It was a free promo
    I was happy with the seal and now I got something to spend my aqua on
    Xtals too
  20. Did you really think they would give out eq with like 20mil atk?