been farmed for 4 days str8 now

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by WhiteTiger420__II_S0uL_II__, Feb 6, 2013.

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  1. Do not facepalm! I have a serious mental illness that is known as "Mental Molester Syndrome!"
  2. Haha. HaHA. HAHa! HAHA! HAHAHA? HaHaHa? HAHaHA?! HAHAHa. HAHAHA. Ha. Ha!
  3. 

    According to my wall, it's been about two days.
    You just can't handle it

  4. Hahaha.... Nice. Lock the thread repost in 4 months when u have had a real ass kicking. Suck it up and fight back i fight my friends for longer periods just warming up.

      "Comin for ya noobs!"
    - oOz
  6. But seriously, I'm not even sitting on you.

    I'm throwing you a bar every once in awhile between war 's

    Grow a pair
  7. Guys ithink he wants us to farm him?
  8. always a great way to get more farmers. :|
  9. Just smoke some weed Mr 420
  10. Locked for lack of work in this thread, also a face palm along with that to.
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