Become One With The Hive

Discussion in 'Past Events' started by [ATA]Grant, Jul 25, 2014.

  1. Looks interesting devs. Differs from the last hunts, so you've got my interest.
  2. Nice way to think of it cracker :lol:
  3. Except Apheriun never asks for CF.
  4. Aperion doesn't ask for a cf from you, you ask for a cf from Aperion
  5. Maybe your just not hitting him hard enough 
  6. What do you mean by attack?
  7. Jumps into party mode continues to osw with 0 hornets 
  8. About time you got back from vacation devs. I sure hope this is for Scrag EB #3 and not another hunt.
  9. Since this event would go on for a while would it be to much to ask to make the rewards more rewarding?? Such as infernos being more successful then buying infernos from market and from dropping from EBS? It's better if we can have a better success rate this time then last events.
  10. That is a horrible slogan.. @ title
  11. I wish we could attack the devs for actual money
  12. Guys, give it a chance - who knows this may be funner then any previous hunt!
  13. I got the flyswatter and bug spray ready
  14. This event sounds really interesting! also i heard hte drops 1 hornet. So how long will this be?
  15. How about you grow so KaWmunity **** the **** out of you?
  16. HtE drops alot more now. That was before it started
  17. Of course it drops from HTE
  18. From what I've seen tsg drops more than HTE