Battle List. LOLWUT?

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by TotalOne, Sep 3, 2012.

  1. Btw, nice guide :)

  2. Bump

    Learn newbies learn!
  3. LOL brendan! nice thread though. You shouldve clarified the bottons a little more though because i couldnt figure out where they were.
  4. Note to devs scrap EB's on Wednesday's then we can have battle list Wednesday's everywhere! We also need a thread on wc roulette anyone fancy doing that one???? 
  6. HoG is full oli it's freezing out here playing wc roulette and using that new battle list thingy 
  7. Hmm I'll see if I can find room for you lol. Unless you don't want in ATM lol.
  8. I like making noobs cry 
  9. I always get the criers who get there clan owners to cry on poppa's wall ... Every single time. It never fails 
  10. Their* not that I really care
  11. WC Roulette thread eh...?
  12. Anarchy back off
  13. I called Dibs
  14. Well you haven't made it yet...

    Although, it doesn't really need to be made, kind of pointless.
  15. Not when you have 95% of kaw that has no clue of what wc roulette is
  16. And 90% of KaW that don't read forums...
  17. Great thread

    I wonder if people will still use battle list cause they got EBs and they are afraid of retaliation. :lol: