Battle List. LOLWUT?

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by TotalOne, Sep 3, 2012.

  1. sticky this
  2. Lmao sasha
    But i dun get it ._.
  3. I'm sorry deadly. I can't explain much more. :cry:

    Sasha- lol
  4. Like, how do you click a button? You need a guide for these things, man. Like how to move a thumb.
  5. Epic troll OP!

    eb noobs, don't worry, the battle list doesn't exist.

    Now back to the bl
  6. My auto correct is horrible. :(
  7. Yeah I'm a rebel. I don't use auto correct
  8. Deadly, I'm pretty sure I saw a guide like that just run into that dark closet right over there!
  9. Thanks to all who commented nicely! :)
  10. Thank you for teaching those noobs!

    Sticky! :D
  11. Its trolled, so I doubt sticky 
  12. You missed a bit, when picking your target, it says under their name if they give a good reward
  13. What's a battle list?
  14. Wow! I must explore this new concept!
  15. What EB gives you the battle list option you didn't cover that 
  16. None. Life as you know it is a lie, run now.
  17. I like BL...