Battle camp: The Rescue feedback

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by *lady-marian (01), Oct 8, 2010.

  1. I wanna hurt somebody!
  2. You'll for sure hurt someones feelings in the end. Technically it's not all your fault, but still... I'll work some people hurting in for Wolf.
  3. Hai
  4. So if u make a next story is our guys still gonna b in it or r they gonna die at the end
  5. I want to like, become friends with someone and then die. Then, if it's okay with German, Mayberry matthias goes on like a rampage out of anger of wolf's death, and releases all this raw power, not raw power, but pure energy. I have a lit of ideas in my hed
  6. And if I don't et them out on paper I get headaches and I start getting fidgety and sorta insane and irritable
  7. I get the same thing fang! I've just come up with 2 new story ideas, so my mind is kinda jumbled. If Wolf befriended someone (I've got a name in mind) it would make his end WAY more dramatic.
  8. Cuz Wolf is gonna go with a bang
  9. I mean it literally
  10. No guns, if that's what you're implying
  11. No guns, I know that. I meant like an explosion
  12. explosion huh? i can work with that
  13. New chapter! Whadya think?