Name: Ahriya Anusoto Age: Young for her kind Gender: Female Appearance: Long dark hair falling free down her back, bright violet eyes, and pale skin. The membrane of her wings is black with a hint of purple, but the solid part is pure white. The ends are tipped in long sharp pieces of bone that allow her to protect her back and tear through her enemies with ease. She also has many black tatoos that increase her magical capability. Personality: This girl/woman is on the outside kind and understanding. Deep within her heart however is a quiet lust for power and love, which is an odd combination. She is extremely logical and calculating, and is skilled in the art of manipulating people. Often times she can twist people to her side, either by magic or charisma, sometimes without them realizing. She's the villian that everyone dreads facing because one can never be sure if you're actually her follower...
Amazing GloomI! Your character has inspired me to take this story in a conpletely different direction than I originally planned!
Lol, I love villains like that . The ones that manage to lure the heroes off the path and use them for her own goals without them even realizing it
You have to sign up TOMOROW when I make the thread. And I don't think he's your type Wolf. All I've planned for him is that he's a master thief and a bit timid around girls.
Yeah, and then she ran around the house yelling,"Does anyone know where my phone is!" (My parents weren't home) "I'll give anyone five dollars to find my phone!" I put it back in her pocket, and she didn't give me the five bucks though.
Awesome! I can get what I want easily. It's because I'm so likable and people can relate to me. (this doesn't include my parents, they make me earn stuff)