Barracks Level 3 Confusion

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by Corinthian, Nov 5, 2016.

  1. Silence is the prerogative of the wise, and the bane of a fool.
  2. Dev artist must be French, they don't like longbows I heard, something about the English peasants
  3. French-Canadian count...?
  4. Ah, but you're all making an important error. This unit isn't meant to be holding a long bow--if he/she was, it would be "Longbowman" as longbow is a single word. Instead, it is made clear that he is a bowman (carries a bow) and implies that "long" is a modifier of "man" (not "bow").

    Grammatically, this is a long man who happens to wield a bow (of any kind, so a crossbow is acceptable). What is a long man, you ask? Could be many things, but I'm the grammatician, not the scientist here.
  5. Toast makes a convincing argument.
  6. That he does

    Nice 13000th post
  7. It's not really my 13,000th post. Just the 13,000th to not be deleted.
  8. Toast does raise a good point.


    Although it might seperate the 'Long' & 'Bowman', it still refers to a 'Bowman'
    Which one could assume is meant to refer to a Longbow, or even a shortbow.
    Either way, its a bow.

    There's no doubt the picture here does depict a crossbow, so you couldn't be blamed for thinking that it should infact be called 'Crossbowman'
    For a crossbow is not a bow, as a bow uses arrows. A crossbow uses bolts.

    But in saying that, it could well be that in the realm of Kaw, there is no defined wording to differentiate between a bow & a crossbow, and both are referred to as 'bows'?.

    Maybe Charlie has the answers? maybe he doesn't?

    At the end of the day, what matters is that the stats given correlate to whats shown.
    The picture is just for visual aesthetics :)

  9. Come on, calling someone a boltman is just an excuse for them to get into physics. What would YOU call someone who wields a crossbow?
  10. Exactly what i said above, that you seemed to have conveniently failed to read.

    Tho its odd the word you concentrated on was 'bolt'?

    But 'boltman'?
    Thats just ridiculous :D :D
    unless you happen to be the Flash's cousin?
  11. Hello, I'm with the SHIPS. (SuperHero identy protection squad.

    Cease this.
  12. I'm surprised you're still active Corinthian.

    I remember the fun times we used to have when I'd farm a guy and tell him you said he was open. God those were always fun. Tell the clan I said hi. Tell the bad guys I said they were open.
  13. "Toast said...but" your argument seemed to support his, but your wording suggested otherwise.
  14. "To silence is the prerogative of the wise, whilst being silenced is the bane of the fool." - The Moderator's Dogma, Chapter 1, Paragraph 3, Verse 2.
  15. To be fair, it was the crossbows that empowered the peasantry. They didn't have to go through nearly as long of a training period as one did to become a longbowman. Also, they didn't need to be of a particular build.
    @Toast, you have a fair point. It looks like the artist realized his mistake when the request for the Long Bowman was placed: He had already drawn an Elven-seeming Longbow(woman) for the previous level. In that regard, I respect that Level 3 upgrades to Long-Range Bowmen.

    I enjoy massing crossbowmen when also equipped with shields, so I can understand dropping the shields for blades to give the illusion of a more lean force that isn't stopped by plate armor or monster hide.

    PS: I know Long-range is a stretch for what is probably a typo, but leave me my illusions...unless we can get a developer answer?

    Is Long Bowman a typo? If not, what is the intended meaning of 'long' here? If it is a typo, are there plans to rename the unit, switch the art between level 2 and 3, or re-accomplish the art?

    Hopefully we can get one of the founders to peek in and see the question, or have someone one relay the question and pass the reply.
  16. Corinthian isn't a nub.
    He's one of the most gifted mods and players of KaW

    In the past, a remark like that would bring down a rain of attacks, steals, assassinations and scouts on you.

    You're lucky the game has moved on. Lol
  17. To all of you calling Corinthian a noob check out the shiny achievement that marks him as a 7 year kaw veteran.
  18. not a single person called corinth a "noob" on this thread.
  19. ..and a rain of attacks, steals, assassinations, and scouts would also be falling on me from the then-active anti-moderator faction. Good times.

    Thanks for the complements by the way, though I think you mean them in a historic sense (as my activity is the pits and I am not currently under the auspices of the moderator position).
