barcode and long names now illegal

Discussion in 'Wars' started by III___Knight_of_the_King___IlI, May 2, 2013.

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  1. Lol, only two people have said it to be true...

    If kaw admin had made them illegal, firstly it would be a mass personal message, no one else in worms has seen this.

    Secondly, a thread would be made.

    This isn't true, Barcodes have been a huge part of the game for some time now, please let this thread die, it is unofficial and misleading.
  2. Yeah this will ruin our strategy! I'll post SS of the news feed message after this war.

  3. Use double names like. Wormhole and WormhoIe. And just pair guys up

  4. I agree we would have seen a KaW_admin thread before this guys thread.
  5. This is absolutely false, like I just said.
    It isn't in ToU.
    There is no thread.
    There is no evidence.

    Let's move on, I'll be finding a mod to lock this.
  6. Devs sent my four banks a message in news feed too, names are:
    and finally


  7. KaW is doing you all a favor. When we give up our individual to win a war, have we truly won the war?
  8. Hey worm, I'm guessing you're BWS. Could you post an SS ?
  9. @Superman.

    It's a game you fruitcake.
    And if it says 'war won' then yes we have won.


  10. SS or it didn't happen 
  11. Oh. Fair enough.
  12. Re: barcode and long names now illega

  13. Realboy, yes this is BWS, SS of what?

  14. The butthurt noobs whined and now people have to pay money....
  15. SS = ScreenShot

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