Re: BANNER UPDATE iOS only (Android and Web on Monday) Cynderstryke, my point is why waste some programmers time beautifying something that is already fine? Wouldn't that programmers time be better spent on game mechanics?
Re: BANNER UPDATE iOS only (Android and Web on Monday) PVP will never bring about any decent rewards. Why? Simply, because it will get abused, it is very Easy to create an alt and hit it consistently this bringing any rewards very easily. Also a reason why epics pay more than PVP and a reason why the likes of the Halloween horns where not given for PVP actions.
Re: BANNER UPDATE iOS only (Android and Web on Monday) Well... Is it any worse than hitting a Eb for drops? Also couldn't they take into account defensive actions? Kind of a all around formula to make a decent PvP drop system, rather than basing it off of just wins. Also it is possible to limit the number of action against 1 account, for drop equations only. Whether or not that is a viable option for KaW idk. I've seen it done before on other games. Kind of like you can only milk the cow once a day. I think someone could figure out a way for PvP drops. If it was in their best interest.
Re: BANNER UPDATE iOS only (Android and Web on Monday) Who honestly thinks up this crap ?? Why are you always trying to please the uber young crowd with new shinny things ??
Re: BANNER UPDATE iOS only (Android and Web on Monday) Unable to upgrade banner in Mage after update in app ?
Re: BANNER UPDATE iOS only (Android and Web on Monday) KaW_Admin - Will I need to do this update to take advantage of this new system? I still have iOS 1.4x so I am behind on updates.
Re: BANNER UPDATE iOS only (Android and Web on Monday) See kaw I'm kinda dissatisfied here, you introduced community to liaise with us. Yet there are multiple questions/comments here that have been ignored. You say "we are working on it " well that is all well and good but for the love of all that is pizza for once just once instead of milking your cash cow (kaw) be straight with us and more important if your actually doing something for those who play the game by its name an pvp not hit ebs stop working on crap like avatar that really we didn't need or particularly want and give what we do pvp upgrade thanks.
Re: BANNER UPDATE iOS only (Android and Web on Monday) Hey folks, For those people wanting more info on PVP etc. please go see this thread -> viewtopic.php?f=23&t=152736
Re: BANNER UPDATE iOS only (Android and Web on Monday) Sorry, we do need to sleep every once and a while.
Re: BANNER UPDATE iOS only (Android and Web on Monday) Ok I know questions are in forums and there's an easy way to find it but recently a lot of new players are posting new threads regarding many questions. My suggestion may not be innovative but may help decrease spam in forums. In the active topics could there be one thread " player questions " where people can hopefully instantly see a place to post a question in active topics and hopefully receive the assistance they need. I can understand why so many one question threads may be written and this is just a thought to keep the section permanently open in active topics. Nice new update for schedule. Look forward to Monday additions
Re: BANNER UPDATE iOS only (Android and Web on Monday) Hey kaw_admin. If your members don't know how to make those banner please refer to this guide : viewtopic.php?f=5&t=152706 Hope it helps. Of course credit goes to Jester.
Re: BANNER UPDATE iOS only (Android and Web on Monday) Ok devs, I know you guys r on maximum overload, I uninstalled and reinstalled app but my banner does not show up in the Mage.
Re: BANNER UPDATE iOS only (Android and Web on Monday) Also, you guys are doing an outstanding job trying to satisfy the masses. The majority seems pleased.pat on the back!
Re: BANNER UPDATE iOS only (Android and Web on Monday) As mentioned in the first post by kaw_admin, we haven't released any banners just yet. We've only got the backbone in place for when we're ready to launch them. Hang tight just a bit longer
Re: BANNER UPDATE iOS only (Android and Web on Monday) Does anybody else have the problem of seeing the eb you are doing and your banner at the same time?