Banner Idea

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by Steph, May 8, 2014.

  1. Cool idea
  2. Tbh cancer doesn't discriminate against age, ethnicity or gender.
    A banner focused for one type of cancer isn't fair.
    But they should put out a pink banner to support the ladies in the struggle.
    And a banner for the overall people in the struggle.

  3. He just said breast cancer as awareness for it os coming up soon. I think it still supports the all unfortunate forms of cancer.
  4. Full support
  5. I wish you could customize more or your profile page. Like colors or designs. Would be neat.
  6. Save the ta ta's ....esp the ones with baloney areola !!!
  7. Walter White died of cancer.
  8. My hear goes out to everyone with cancer
  9. Support

    I liek ur thread
  10. What's funny you ass? Anyways, Support great idea.