banned from wall

Discussion in 'Wars' started by lIIlIllI___PARSFAN___lIlIlIIl, Jul 26, 2014.

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  1. Lol. You are the one who insulted my clan. Which means you took it away from your point, not me. I'm done on forums though. Afterall, actions speak louder than words right?
  2. You've been saying now I reflect on my clan not my fault you took it personally ๎–
  3. Your post do reflect on your clan.
    Just the same as mine do to my clan
    Just the same as any player's does to their clan.

    Now I get to smack you around for awhile. Enjoy.
  4. And people with half a Brian would see I'm talking about how flaming and trolling destroys forums. Too bad you need to cook up something way of what I'm talking about to justify your misguided view
  5. Wolfie, I feel you are getting pissed at the wrong ppl. Flaming and trolling are different then ppl bluntly stating their opinion just as the op did. Forums is a place for ppl to speak their minds and for ppl to debate that at their own leisure. If ppl feel like the op is an idiot they have full rights to state that opinion. Trolling is in fact not negative feedback. If ppl actually made threads that were worth ppls time maybe forums would be better. But the fact is the only ppl that make threads like this just want attention.
  6. Wolfie it's time to stop talking or talk in NEWSFEEDS. But my guess is your all talk and no hit anyways ๎˜
  7. I'm not getting pissed I'm anything but mad, I just respond when noobs call me out for saying I'm in the wrong :D
  8. You think by disrespecting me it's ok?
  9. Actually, you disrespected puns for having a well deserved opinion about the op and made a ******** statement. That is why you are being called out.
  10. I do like it when one person uses max spells on troops and the other uses spies, not like I'm fight a osw either like. But hey only have enough love for one, too bad badass am I not paying you any attention in news ? Are you a lil upset about me being right? Not every day you get proven wrong by a lil noob like me
  11. You guys call me out first I only show same respect as to what is given me
  12. Honestly , your just a punk ass kid that runs his gap. What you've shown on here is how ignorant of an individual you are. You obviously can't comprehend what you read. You go and tell matty that I called you a liar when it is op that is the liar. But then maybe you are a liar๎„‡
  13. There is a difference between being called out and someone talking to you telling you that op is actually liar.
  14. When did I ever agree with op???

    I've been saying time and time again this has nothing to do with op what I'm posting, it's all the flamers
  15. Wolfie. I'm in osw. I max Mithed 4 hours ago to hit Anfield. Don't flatter yourself.
  16. I'm not is be rubbing it in your face if I was with comments to make you hit more

    I'm just commenting on how 2 accounts have decided to hit lil old me and one happens to be using spells. and guess what I'm in osw too imagine that :shock:
  17. You're in osw? cc must be boring as hell right now. :lol:
    I have 24 mins of battle fury and 7 hrs 24 mins of the big attk one left.

    Don't worry though, I will still be farming you even when my mith wears off. ;)
  18. Sure go for it I like how you need to brag about you been spanked by fury though good on you ๎€Ž
  19. Being spanked by fury? Are you retarded? I have never fought fury. I was in fury awhile when X Factor first merged with Troika's Fury. They are actually a respectable clan. You are a just an idiot. Pretty sure Fury are fighting MG, or at least were. I'm not sure if they still are. I am sure that they are not fighting us though.
  20. Oh I misread my bad :/
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