banned from wall

Discussion in 'Wars' started by lIIlIllI___PARSFAN___lIlIlIIl, Jul 26, 2014.

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  1. That's funny Jenni. None of us wanted your "honest opinion" "honestly" I know I like this guy more because you hated on him. Even if he is an idiot, his stupidity pisses of trash like you. Which makes him worthwile
  2. Im not mad at all?
  3. Idiotic that this needed a forum thread... Maybe stay off of that make new thread button if this is the material you're going to throw up.
  4. Wolfie this guy is a moron. This thread is trash. Can't believe a word op says 
  5. Really is that what you have to say...

    Everyone is like this with every single thread pull you head out of your ass and stop flaming threads and trashing them

    If they are **** and spam let them die along with the rest of the ****
  6. OP atk 18/18/13 p:45

    There a little inc for you.

  7. I block all runners makes it easy to find you when you Chang your name and reset you have already done it once don't talk on forums you look silly like all your other stupid threads
  8. Wolfie I hope you're not talking to me ATM.
  9. Why what if I am :|
  10. You'll find out , how'd that sound. How bout you take your head out of boots ass 
  11. Boots?

    Sorry it's one of those days but your more than welcome to hit 
  12. Puns, you make me proud.

    Wolfie  you reflect very well on your clan. Keep it up.  end sarcasm now.
  13. I speak for ever single thread that you trolls and flamers destroy without thinking :| and turning forums into a **** place for everyone. Bet you have never seen forums when people where friendly not my fault you have to be noobs about it

    My clan has nothing to do with what I post
  14. Wolfie. Threads like this are what ruins forums. Tell me what op has done to deserve compassion?
  15. It's not just this op is every other op

    How about instead of hating and flaming you tell him how to improve, point him towards areas to can help. Yes they do but you people don't help in fact it makes them spam more and come out with more crappy threads.

    I couldn't give to shits about this op, or any other. What I do care about is the amount if kindness and respect that you give to people

    Cos here's a funny thing... You get what you give back so you helping op will in turn get op better threads and make positive affect on forums. And how knows you may end up adding another friend :| try thinking about that next time you flame someone asking for help or making a thread for the first time :roll:
  16. Infact, everything you post reflects back on your clan. You personally represent your family and the people you associate yourself with. How are you any better then these people you are harping at? You are being just as disrespectful. So pretty much you are not any better and a hypocrite to boot. good job. :)
  17. I'm getting sleepily and hand has fallen asleep so yes I do need to learn how to spell :lol: :?
  18. So telling people the cold hard truth means that is disrespecting hmm I see so making op look like a dumb ass is the way to go every good I see that's a very respectful person

    And btw I like who people from the same clan have to stand up against me :|

    So what your saying is who gives a **** lets kill these threads and never help anyone, that is a brilliant idea well done 
  19. Hey wolfie- btw it's "I couldn't give two shits" you said "to shits."

    Anyway, I haven't flamed in awhile. I always stand up for new players in forums for being picked on by flamers. Someone this size doesn't have an excuse.

  20. The statement should be "I see, so making op look like a dumb ass" you left out a comma.
    "I like how people" not "I like who people"
    "You're" not "your"

    Just taking your advice and helping people.
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