Ban The Player Above You

Discussion in 'Activities' started by Welcome_to_kaw, Nov 8, 2014.

  1. Banned for existing
  2. Banned For Existing.

  3. Banned for using too many capital letters.
  4. Banned for pointing out grammar errors.
  5. Banned for being sexy and tasty
  6. Banned for lying
  7. Banned for not lying
  8. Banned 4 being king
  9. Banned for not being king
  10. Banned for not living in the underworld
  11. Banned for banning someone who banned another person who also banned another person and causing a paradox.
  12. Banned for being toxic
  13. Banned for continuing the paradox. Everyone else is unbanned! :D
  14. Banned for unbanning everyone
  15. Banned for banning someone who unbanned everyone and destroy the use of this thread.
  16. Banned for being complicated
  17. Banned for being double-complicated! :D
  18. Banned for banning me 
  19. banned for no swag