Ban The Player Above You

Discussion in 'Activities' started by Welcome_to_kaw, Nov 8, 2014.

  1. Banned, because I never took any of her admin. Nor did I betray Vampy, leaving was a decesion made on circumstance & going to a new clan was after I resigned.
  2. Banned for unnecessary entertaining drama!
  3. Banned because apparently im still famous 
  4. Banned because I don't know u
  5. Banned for missing the big "Kaws Biggest Stud" thread
  6. Banned for promoting other threads and I missed it because I'm too much competition for everyone to handle
  7. Banned cuz u sound just like my sister
  8. Banned because they sounds like mine aswell
  9. Banned 4 having a sister like mine
  10. Banned because obivsouly great minds think alike
  11. banned for not joning my clan
  12. Banned for not doing their homework
  13. Banned for being a country
  14. Banned for your first post
  15. Banned 4 having 517 posts
  16. Banned for posting a prime number.
  17. Banned for less than 20 pots
  18. Banned 4 having more post than me
  19. Banned for not realizing he's lost cos of 420
  20. Banned for not taking immortality