Ban The Player Above You

Discussion in 'Activities' started by Welcome_to_kaw, Nov 8, 2014.

  1. Banned 4 even saying that
  2. Banned because Miley Cyrus says that nobody's perfect
  3. Banned 4 talking about her
  4. Banned for silencing freedom of speech
  5. Banned 4 thinking that there is a freedom of speech...
  6. Banned for telling them how to think
  7. Banned 4 assuming that...
  8. Banned for constant banning
  9. Banned because " just let sleeping dog's lie " .
  10. Banned becuz sleeping dogs don't lie
  11. Banned because u a nub
  12. Banned becuz I AM a nub
  13. Banned for being honest
  14. Banned for having the devil numbers in reverse/upside down.
  15. Banned for being too observant
  16. Banned 4 noticing that
  17. Banned for banning me
  18. Banned 4 thinking ur a sexy beast in a tux :lol:
  19. Banned for being a sexy beast ;)