Ban The Player Above You

Discussion in 'Activities' started by Welcome_to_kaw, Nov 8, 2014.

  1. Banned for not offering me an Easter egg covered with fairy dust
  2. Banned for not requesting one on Easter
  3. Banned because..
    I'm starting to feel like a rap god rap god.
  4. Banned because Let's get medicated.
  5. Banned 4 wanting 2 get medicated
  6. Banned because for* and to*
  7. Banned for offering help with grammar but forgetting to offer me a new car
  8. Banned for not stealing a new car
  9. Banned for being the last post yesterday.
  10. Banned for being the new post of today, and still forgot to buy me a new car
  11. Banned cuz u didnt give them the money so they could buy u a new car
  12. Banned for not using your own money to buy them a car.
  13. Oh hey its u again... banned
  14. Banned for not using the accepted template of "Banned.for…" to ban me
  15. Banned because I'm too sexy for my shirt.
  16. Banned because I just heard that song when my cousin was watching shrek :lol:
  17. Banned because shrek is love. Shrek is life.
  18. Banned for posting at 1.04pm.
  19. Banned 4 posting ur time zone
  20. Banned because I'm the first to post in this thread for two days in a row now so I'm cool like dat