Ban The Player Above You

Discussion in 'Activities' started by Welcome_to_kaw, Nov 8, 2014.

  1. Banned because I won't let it die without a fight
  2. Banned for being a rebel
  3. Banned because funny enough I am from the south
  4. Banned for being an ole miss fan
  5. Banned because im a Tennessee Volunteer fan
  6. Banned for not being a rebel
  7. Banned because TN is south of the Mason Dixon
  8. Self ban to bring back to front page
  9. Join the revolution
  10. Banned for not banning
  11. Banned to get this up to 400 pages
  12. Banned for complaining about 400 pages

  13. Banned cus you have recently been silenced
  14. Banned for quoting both of them
  15. Banned for qouting no one
  16. Banned for being here longer than me
  17. Banned 4 joining the ban party late
  18. Ban because better late than never
  19. Banned, cuz i wanna help gettin this to 500 pages
  20. Banned for joining the thread!

    P.S: This marks the
    4,000th post in this thread! I nailed it :cool: